スマートピルのためのGPS(A GPS for Smart Pills)


2023-02-13 カリフォルニア工科大学(Caltech)

◆キャルテックの博士課程学生サランシュ・シャーマが、エマミとシャピロと一緒にこのスマートピル技術を開発し、MITの研究者と共同で豚で実験しています。彼らの研究成果を記した論文は、『Nature Electronics』誌に掲載されています。◆iMAG(Ingestible Microdevices for Anatomic-mapping of Gastrointestinal-tract)と名付けられたこの技術は、追跡可能なスマートピルの最初の実装ではないが、開発者によれば、これまで開発された中で最も正確かつ簡単に追跡できる技術だという。


消化管ダイナミクスを無線でモニタリングする位置情報付き摂取可能なマイクロデバイス Location-aware ingestible microdevices for wireless monitoring of gastrointestinal dynamics

Saransh Sharma,Khalil B. Ramadi,Nikhil H. Poole,Shriya S. Srinivasan,Keiko Ishida,Johannes Kuosmanen,Josh Jenkins,Fatemeh Aghlmand,Margaret B. Swift,Mikhail G. Shapiro,Giovanni Traverso & Azita Emami
Nature Electronics  Published:13 February 2023

スマートピルのためのGPS(A GPS for Smart Pills)


Localization and tracking of ingestible microdevices in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract is valuable for the diagnosis and treatment of GI disorders. Such systems require a large field-of-view of tracking, high spatiotemporal resolution, wirelessly operated microdevices and a non-obstructive field generator that is safe to use in practical settings. However, the capabilities of current systems remain limited. Here, we report three dimensional (3D) localization and tracking of wireless ingestible microdevices in the GI tract of large animals in real time and with millimetre-scale resolution. This is achieved by generating 3D magnetic field gradients in the GI field-of-view using high-efficiency planar electromagnetic coils that encode each spatial point with a distinct magnetic field magnitude. The field magnitude is measured and transmitted by the miniaturized, low-power and wireless microdevices to decode their location as they travel through the GI tract. This system could be useful for quantitative assessment of the GI transit-time, precision targeting of therapeutic interventions and minimally invasive procedures.
