ヘルスケアと拡張現実のためのスマートリングを開発する研究者たち(Researchers developing smart ring for health care and extended reality)


2023-05-31 ペンシルベニア州立大学(PennState)

An individual's hand wearing the OmniRingThe OmniRing doesn’t have a display and so can support a longer battery life. This makes it possible to wear the ring all the time, including while sleeping and swimming, enabling the ring to capture deeper and more intimate levels of sensing information.  Credit: Submitted by Taiting Lu. All Rights Reserved.



すべてを支配する1つの指輪: 指の運動解析とヘルスケアアプリケーションのためのオープンソース・スマートリングプラットフォーム One Ring to Rule Them All: An Open Source Smartring Platform for Finger Motion Analytics and Healthcare Applications

Hao Zhou,Taiting Lu,Yilin Liu,Shijia Zhang,Runze Liu,Mahanth Gowda
IoTDI ’23: Proceedings of the 8th ACM/IEEE Conference on Internet of Things Design and Implementation  Published:09 May 2023


This paper presents OmniRing, an open-source smartring platform with IMU and PPG sensors for activity tracking and health analytics applications. Smartring platforms are on the rise because of comfortable wearing, with the market size expected to reach $92 million soon. Nevertheless, most existing platforms are either commercial and proprietary without details of software/hardware or use suboptimal PCB design resulting in bulky form factors, inconvenient for wearing in daily life. Towards bridging the gap, OmniRing presents an extensible design of a smartring with a miniature form factor, longer battery life, wireless communication, and water resistance so that users can wear it all the time. Towards this end, OmniRing exploits opportunities in SoC, and carefully integrates the sensing units with a microcontroller and BLE modules. The electronic components are integrated on both sides of a flexible PCB that is bent in the shape of a ring and enclosed in a flexible and waterproof case for smooth skin contact. The overall cost is under $25, with weight of 2.5g, and up to a week of battery life. Extensive usability surveys validate the comfort levels. To validate the sensing capabilities, we enable an application in 3D finger motion tracking. By extracting synthetic training data from public videos coupled with data augmentation to minimize the overhead of training data generation for a new platform, OmniRing designs a transformer-based model that exploits correlations across fingers and time to track 3D finger motion with an accuracy of 6.57mm. We also validate the use of PPG data from OmniRing for heart rate monitoring. We believe the platform can enable exciting applications in fitness tracking, metaverse, sports, and healthcare.

