失読症の新しい定義が必要との研究結果(We need a new definition of dyslexia, research says)


2025-02-25 バーミンガム大学

バーミンガム大学、SpLD評価基準委員会(SASC)、キングス・カレッジ・ロンドン、オックスフォード大学の研究者たちは、ディスレクシア(読字障害)の新たな定義を提案しました。この研究は、2025年2月25日に『Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry』に掲載されました。研究チームは、ディスレクシアの定義、知的能力との関係、原因、他の障害との共存、生涯にわたる影響、一般的な誤解などに関する58の声明について、国際的な専門家58人の意見を集めました。その結果、42の声明が80%以上の合意を得て、新しい定義が策定されました。この定義では、ディスレクシアは読み書きの習得に影響を与える処理上の困難であり、年齢や教育水準に対して読み書き能力が低いこと、言語や年齢を問わず、読みの流暢さや綴りの困難が主要な特徴であることが示されています。また、ディスレクシアは連続体上に存在し、重症度は様々であり、遺伝的・環境的要因が影響を与えることが明らかになりました。さらに、音韻処理の困難が一般的な認知障害であるものの、作業記憶、処理速度、正字法スキルも影響を及ぼす可能性があるとされています。この新しい定義は、ディスレクシアの理解と支援の向上に寄与すると期待されています。


失読症に関するコンセンサスに向けて:デルファイ調査の結果 Toward a consensus on dyslexia: findings from a Delphi study

Julia M. Carroll, Caroline Holden, Philip Kirby, Paul A. Thompson, Margaret J. Snowling, the Dyslexia Delphi Panel
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry  Published: 25 February 2025

失読症の新しい定義が必要との研究結果(We need a new definition of dyslexia, research says)


Dyslexia is one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders. There have been many definitions over the past century, and debate continues as to how dyslexia should be defined. This debate contributes to confusion and misinformation. We move beyond the debate by establishing areas of consensus among a wide range of experts.

We conducted a Delphi study with a panel of dyslexia experts, including academics, specialist teachers, educational psychologists, and individuals with dyslexia, asking them for their views on a set of key statements about dyslexia. We carried out two survey rounds, in each case accepting statements with greater than 80% consensus and reviewing and revising other statements using feedback from the expert panel. This was followed by discussion with a subset of the panel around a few statements with marginal consensus.

Forty-two statements were ultimately accepted. In the current paper we review those statements that pertain to a definition of dyslexia, demonstrate how they align with the research literature, and build on previous definitions of dyslexia.

There was considerable consensus in our expert panel that dyslexia is a difficulty in reading and spelling, associated with multiple factors, and that it frequently co-occurs with other developmental disorders. It was agreed that difficulties in reading fluency and spelling are key markers of dyslexia across different ages and languages. We conclude with a proposed new definition of dyslexia.


失読症診療のコンセンサスに向けて:評価と識別に関するデルファイ研究の結果 Towards a Consensus for Dyslexia Practice: Findings of a Delphi Study on Assessment and Identification

Caroline Holden, Philip Kirby, Margaret J. Snowling, Paul A. Thompson, Julia M. Carroll
Dyslexia  Published: 25 February 2025

Details are in the caption following the image


This paper discusses the findings of a Delphi study in which dyslexia experts, including academics, specialist teachers, educational psychologists, and individuals with dyslexia, were asked for their agreement with a set of key statements about defining and identifying dyslexia: why it should be assessed and how and when this assessment should be conducted. Two rounds of survey responses provided a vehicle for moving towards consensus on how to assess for dyslexia. Forty-two consensus statements were ultimately accepted. Findings suggested that assessment practice should take account of risks to the accurate identification of dyslexia. An assessment model, with guidelines for assessors, is presented, based on the Delphi’s findings. This hypothesis-testing model requires assessors to investigate and weigh up the factors most likely to result in an accurate assessment before reaching conclusions, assigning terminology, and making recommendations for intervention and management.

  • Explores consensus in professional practice: why, when, and what to assess.
  • Discusses the current assessment context for children with difficulties learning to read, spell, and write.
  • Supports the ongoing use of the label dyslexia for persistent impairments in reading fluency and allied difficulties, such as spelling.
  • Suggests an assessment framework for the identification of dyslexia.
  • In the identification of dyslexia, highlights and discusses areas that require further research.