低出生体重児に関連する危険因子を特定する新たな研究を実施(New study identifies risk factors associated with low birthweights)


2023-02-14 スウォンジー大学

◆毎年2000万人の子供が2500グラム以下の出生体重で生まれ、低出生体重児(LBW)と考えられている 国立人口健康福祉研究センターの研究者による研究では、リソースと介入を効果的に予定できるように、LBWの危険因子を理解することに目を向けました。
◆コホート研究は、1998年1月1日から2018年12月31日の間にウェールズで生まれた69万3,377人の子どもたちを対象としたものです。 参加者は、National Community Child Healthデータベースから選ばれました。
◆主席研究員のAmrita Bandyopadhyayは、次のように述べています。”最も重要なリスク要因は、喫煙、母親の体重、物質誤用記録、母親の年齢と一緒に剥奪、妊娠間隔、子供の出生順などの母親の要因です。


低出生体重児の危険因子の重み付け:英国ウェールズにおけるルーチンデータ連動型コホート研究 Weighting of risk factors for low birth weight: a linked routine data cohort study in Wales, UK

Amrita Bandyopadhyay,Hope Jones,Michael Parker,Emily Marchant,Julie Evans,Charlotte Todd,Muhammad A Rahman,James Healy,Tint Lwin Win,Ben Rowe,Simon Moore,Angela Jones,Sinead Brophy
BMJ Open  Published February 10, 2023

低出生体重児に関連する危険因子を特定する新たな研究を実施(New study identifies risk factors associated with low birthweights)


Objective Globally, 20 million children are born with a birth weight below 2500 g every year, which is considered as a low birthweight (LBW) baby. This study investigates the contribution of modifiable risk factors in a nationally representative Welsh e-cohort of children and their mothers to inform opportunities to reduce LBW prevalence.

Design A longitudinal cohort study based on anonymously linked, routinely collected multiple administrative data sets.

Participants The cohort, (N=693 377) comprising of children born between 1 January 1998 and 31 December 2018 in Wales, was selected from the National Community Child Health Database.

Outcome measures The risk factors associated with a binary LBW (outcome) variable were investigated with multivariable logistic regression (MLR) and decision tree (DT) models.

Results The MLR model showed that non-singleton children had the highest risk of LBW (adjusted OR 21.74 (95% CI 21.09 to 22.40)), followed by pregnancy interval less than 1 year (2.92 (95% CI 2.70 to 3.15)), maternal physical and mental health conditions including diabetes (2.03 (1.81 to 2.28)), anaemia (1.26 (95% CI 1.16 to 1.36)), depression (1.58 (95% CI 1.43 to 1.75)), serious mental illness (1.46 (95% CI 1.04 to 2.05)), anxiety (1.22 (95% CI 1.08 to 1.38)) and use of antidepressant medication during pregnancy (1.92 (95% CI 1.20 to 3.07)). Additional maternal risk factors include smoking (1.80 (95% CI 1.76 to 1.84)), alcohol-related hospital admission (1.60 (95% CI 1.30 to 1.97)), substance misuse (1.35 (95% CI 1.29 to 1.41)) and evidence of domestic abuse (1.98 (95% CI 1.39 to 2.81)). Living in less deprived area has lower risk of LBW (0.70 (95% CI 0.67 to 0.72)). The most important risk factors from the DT models include maternal factors such as smoking, maternal weight, substance misuse record, maternal age along with deprivation—Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation score, pregnancy interval and birth order of the child.

Conclusion Resources to reduce the prevalence of LBW should focus on improving maternal health, reducing preterm births, increasing awareness of what is a sufficient pregnancy interval, and to provide adequate support for mothers’ mental health and well-being.
