夢を見ることは記憶の定着と感情調節の改善につながる(Dreaming is linked to improved memory consolidation and emotion regulation)


2024-05-13 カリフォルニア大学校アーバイン校(UCI)



感情的な記憶処理における夢の積極的な役割の証拠は、私たちが忘れるために夢を見ることを示している Evidence of an active role of dreaming in emotional memory processing shows that we dream to forget

Jing Zhang,Andres Pena,Nicole Delano,Negin Sattari,Alessandra E. Shuster,Fiona C. Baker,Katharine Simon & Sara C. Mednick
Scientific Reports  Published:15 April 2024

夢を見ることは記憶の定着と感情調節の改善につながる(Dreaming is linked to improved memory consolidation and emotion regulation)


Dreaming is a universal human behavior that has inspired searches for meaning across many disciplines including art, psychology, religion, and politics, yet its function remains poorly understood. Given the suggested role of sleep in emotional memory processing, we investigated whether reported overnight dreaming and dream content are associated with sleep-dependent changes in emotional memory and reactivity, and whether dreaming plays an active or passive role. Participants completed an emotional picture task before and after a full night of sleep and they recorded the presence and content of their dreams upon waking in the morning. The results replicated the emotional memory trade-off (negative images maintained at the cost of neutral memories), but only in those who reported dreaming (Dream-Recallers), and not in Non-Dream-Recallers. Results also replicated sleep-dependent reductions in emotional reactivity, but only in Dream-Recallers, not in Non-Dream-Recallers. Additionally, the more positive the dream report, the more positive the next-day emotional reactivity is compared to the night before. These findings implicate an active role for dreaming in overnight emotional memory processing and suggest a mechanistic framework whereby dreaming may enhance salient emotional experiences via the forgetting of less relevant information.
