長寿命の反転型オルガノイドで腎臓病の病態がよりよくわかる(Long-lived Inverted Organoids Offer Better Glimpse Into Kidney Disease)


2022-11-11 ジョージア工科大学

長寿命の反転型オルガノイドで腎臓病の病態がよりよくわかる(Long-lived Inverted Organoids Offer Better Glimpse Into Kidney Disease)
This proximal tubule organoid is 30 days old, and will survive at least another 60 days. The 90-days is a record for a drop culture of any kind.

パリゴリス教授と高山修一教授の研究室は、モーハウス大学医学部と共同で、タンパク尿性腎臓病を研究するための新しい3次元モデル、幾何学的に逆さにした近位尿細管オルガノイドを開発した。この「チューブロイド」は、動物実験に伴うコストや倫理的な問題を回避しつつ、現在のin vitroの方法を改善するものである。。


長寿命化した幾何学的に反転した近位尿細管オルガノイド Extended longevity geometrically-inverted proximal tubule organoids

Eric Parigoris,Ji-HoonLee,Amy Yunfan Liu,Xueying Zhao,Shuichi Takayama
Biomaterials  Available online: 3 October 2022


This study reports the cellular self-organization of primary human renal proximal tubule epithelial cells (RPTECs) around a minimal Matrigel scaffold to produce basal-in and apical-out proximal tubule organoids (tubuloids). These tubuloids are produced and maintained in hanging drop cultures for 90+ days, the longest such culture of any kind reported to date. The tubuloids upregulate maturity markers, such as aquaporin-1 (AQP1) and megalin (LRP2), and exhibit less mesenchymal and proliferation markers, such as vimentin and Ki67, compared to 2D cultures. They also experience changes over time as revealed by a comparison of gene expression patterns of cells in 2D culture and in day 31 and day 67 tubuloids. Gene expression analysis and immunohistochemistry reveal an increase in the expression of megalin, an endocytic receptor that can directly bind and uptake protein or potentially assist protein uptake. The tubuloids, including day 90 tubuloids, uptake fluorescent albumin and reveal punctate fluorescent patterns, suggesting functional endocytic uptake through these receptors. Furthermore, the tubuloids release kidney injury molecule-1 (KIM-1), a common biomarker for kidney injury, when exposed to albumin in both dose- and time-dependent manners. While this study focuses on potential applications for modeling proteinuric kidney disease, the tubuloids may have broad utility for studies where apical proximal tubule cell access is required.
