エナメル質組成の多様性が、その後の歯の健康を予測する可能性(Variety in enamel composition may predict later tooth health)


歯の寿命が延び、歯の健康状態にも格差があることから、歯のエナメル質を理解することがより重要になっている Longer lifespans, disparities in dental health make understanding tooth enamel more important

2022-12-19 ノースウェスタン大学

この論文の責任著者であるノースウェスタン大学のDerk Joester教授は、「エナメル質結晶内のこれらの特定のイオンを正確に測定できる技術はほとんどありません」と述べています。「これらのイオンは原子番号も濃度も低いので、最終的には原子パーセントの数分の一のオーダーで組成の違いを予測することになるのです。これは、極めて高い精度が要求され、組成を予測するための横方向からのアプローチを用いたX線でのみ可能なことです。”


ヒト歯エナメル質におけるメソスケール構造勾配 Mesoscale structural gradients in human tooth enamel

Robert Free,Karen DeRocher,Victoria Cooley,Ruqing Xu,Stuart R. Stock ,Derk Joester
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences  Published:December 19, 2022


Dental enamel is integral to the function of human teeth, and its lifelong robustness is critical to well-being. An accurate multiscale model of enamel is vital in many human health contexts, including tooth decay, enamel development and malformation, and restorative dentistry. Submicrometer resolution, synchrotron X-ray microdiffraction shows that crystallographic parameters differ across the intricate rod/interrod microstructure, connecting variations in nanoscale crystallite properties with the mesoscale organization of enamel. Variation of lattice parameters strongly suggests analogous compositional variation. While rod and interrod enamel consistently differ within samples, interindividual variation hints at additional modulating factors. These results demonstrate at least one additional level in the hierarchical architecture of human enamel, with implications for mechanisms governing its formation, functional performance, and degradation.


The outstanding mechanical and chemical properties of dental enamel emerge from its complex hierarchical architecture. An accurate, detailed multiscale model of the structure and composition of enamel is important for understanding lesion formation in tooth decay (dental caries), enamel development (amelogenesis) and associated pathologies (e.g., amelogenesis imperfecta or molar hypomineralization), and minimally invasive dentistry. Although features at length scales smaller than 100 nm (individual crystallites) and greater than 50 µm (multiple rods) are well understood, competing field of view and sampling considerations have hindered exploration of mesoscale features, i.e., at the level of single enamel rods and the interrod enamel (1 to 10 µm). Here, we combine synchrotron X-ray diffraction at submicrometer resolution, analysis of crystallite orientation distribution, and unsupervised machine learning to show that crystallographic parameters differ between rod head and rod tail/interrod enamel. This variation strongly suggests that crystallites in different microarchitectural domains also differ in their composition. Thus, we use a dilute linear model to predict the concentrations of minority ions in hydroxylapatite (Mg2+ and CO32-/Na+) that plausibly explain the observed lattice parameter variations. While differences within samples are highly significant and of similar magnitude, absolute values and the sign of the effect for some crystallographic parameters show interindividual variation that warrants further investigation. By revealing additional complexity at the rod/interrod level of human enamel and leaving open the possibility of modulation across larger length scales, these results inform future investigations into mechanisms governing amelogenesis and introduce another feature to consider when modeling the mechanical and chemical performance of enamel.

