2023-01-03 ノースカロライナ州立大学(NCState)
「リノール酸は、植物油、ナッツ類、種子類に含まれる脂肪酸で、欧米人の食事に多く含まれる脂肪酸の一つです。リノール酸の代謝産物(体内で消化分解されてできる産物)は、皮膚のバリア機能に関与しています。」と、ノースカロライナ州立大学神経科学准教授で本研究の筆頭著者であるSantosh Mishraは述べています。「我々は、乾癬病巣において、リノール酸に由来する2種類の脂質が高いレベルにあることに気づきました。「この脂質が、病変部の感覚ニューロンのコミュニケーションに影響を与えるのではないかと考えたのです。我々は、脂質の存在が、多くの乾癬患者が訴える温度や痛みの過敏性に関係しているかどうかを調査することにしました。”
- https://news.ncsu.edu/2023/01/common-fatty-acid-temperature-pain-sensitivity-psoriasis-plaques/
- https://www.jidinnovations.org/article/S2667-0267(22)00085-6/fulltext
リノール酸の内因性誘導体およびその安定な類似体は疼痛メディエーターとなる可能性がある Endogenous Derivatives of Linoleic Acid and Their Stable Analogues are Potential Pain Mediators
Joshua J. Wheeler,Anthony F. Domenicheillo,Jennifer R. Jensen,Gregory S. Keyes,Kristen M. Maiden,John M. Davis,Christopher E. Ramsden,Santosh K. Mishra
JID Innovations Published:December 25, 2022
Psoriasis is characterized by intense pruritus, with a subset of psoriatic individuals experiencing thermal hypersensitivity. However, the pathophysiology of thermal hypersensitivity in psoriasis and other skin conditions remains enigmatic. Linoleic acid (LA) is an omega-6 fatty acid that is concentrated in the skin, and oxidation of LA into metabolites with multiple hydroxyl and epoxide functional groups has been demonstrated to play a role in skin barrier function. Previously, we identified several LA-derived mediators that were more concentrated in psoriatic lesions, but the role of these lipids in psoriasis remains unknown. Here, we report that two such compounds 9,10-epoxy-13-hydroxy-octadecenoate (9,13-EHL) and 9,10,13-trihydroxy-octadecenoate (9,10,13-THL) are present as free fatty acids and induce nociceptive behavior in mice but not rats. Chemically stabilizing 9,13-EHL and 9,10,13-THL, through the addition of methyl groups, we observed pain and hypersensitization in mice. The nociceptive responses suggest an involvement of the TRPA1 channel, while hypersensitive responses induced by these mediators may require both TRPA1 and TRPV1 channels. Furthermore, we showed that 9,10,13-THL-induced calcium transients in sensory neurons are mediated through the Gβγ subunit of an unidentified GPCR. Overall, mechanistic insights from this study will guide the development of potential therapeutic targets for the treatment of pain and hypersensitivity.