下痢に関連する病気や死亡に関連する異常気象 Extreme weather events associated with diarrhea-related illness, death
2023-01-10 カリフォルニア大学サンディエゴ校(UCSD)
- https://today.ucsd.edu/story/climate-change-exacerbating-gastrointestinal-problems-in-children
- https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2119409120
気候の影響を受けやすい下痢性感染症の子どもへの負担を増加させる社会的・環境的要因の解明 Uncovering social and environmental factors that increase the burden of climate-sensitive diarrheal infections on children
Anna Dimitrova,Alexander Gershunov,Morgan C. Levy,Tarik Benmarhnia
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Published:January 9, 2023
We use geolocated survey data from 51 low- to middle-income countries to show that precipitation shocks are related to symptoms of diarrheal disease in children under 3 y of age. We show that the direction of the association is determined by background climate features—in the topical savanna regions, anomalous dryness is associated with increased risk of diarrhea, while in the humid subtropical regions the same health risk is associated with heavy precipitation events. We additionally explore how various social factors exacerbate or attenuate these health risks in the two climate zones. We present evidence that different health interventions may be effective, depending on local climate conditions and the type and duration of the precipitation shock.
Climate-sensitive infectious diseases are an issue of growing concern due to global warming and the related increase in the incidence of extreme weather and climate events. Diarrhea, which is strongly associated with climatic factors, remains among the leading causes of child death globally, disproportionately affecting populations in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). We use survey data for 51 LMICs between 2000 and 2019 in combination with gridded climate data to estimate the association between precipitation shocks and reported symptoms of diarrheal illness in young children. We account for differences in exposure risk by climate type and explore the modifying role of various social factors. We find that droughts are positively associated with diarrhea in the tropical savanna regions, particularly during the dry season and dry-to-wet and wet-to-dry transition seasons. In the humid subtropical regions, we find that heavy precipitation events are associated with increased risk of diarrhea during the dry season and the transition from dry-to-wet season. Our analysis of effect modifiers highlights certain social vulnerabilities that exacerbate these associations in the two climate zones and present opportunities for public health intervention. For example, we show that stool disposal practices, child feeding practices, and immunizing against the rotavirus modify the association between drought and diarrhea in the tropical savanna regions. In the humid subtropical regions, household’s source of water and water disinfection practices modify the association between heavy precipitation and diarrhea. The evidence of effect modification varies depending on the type and duration of the precipitation shock.