神経発達障害の背景に脳液の流れの乱れがある可能性(Disrupted flow of brain fluid may underlie neurodevelopmental disorders)


新しいイメージング技術で、発達中の脳の循環パターンを解明 New imaging technique reveals circulation patterns in developing brain

2023-02-09 ワシントン大学セントルイス校

◆この研究結果は、Nature Communications誌のオンライン版で公開されており、脳を満たしている液体(脳脊髄液)が、正常な脳の発達や神経発達障害において、十分に認識されていない役割を担っている可能性があることを示唆しています。


金ナノ粒子増強X線マイクロトモグラフィによるげっ歯類の脳内領域特異的脳脊髄液循環の解明 Gold nanoparticle-enhanced X-ray microtomography of the rodent reveals region-specific cerebrospinal fluid circulation in the brain

Shelei Pan,Peter H. Yang,Dakota DeFreitas,Sruthi Ramagiri,Peter O. Bayguinov,Carl D. Hacker,Abraham Z. Snyder,Jackson Wilborn,Hengbo Huang,Gretchen M. Koller,Dhvanii K. Raval,Grace L. Halupnik,Sanja Sviben,Samuel Achilefu,Rui Tang,Gabriel Haller,James D. Quirk,James A. J. Fitzpatrick,Prabagaran Esakky & Jennifer M. Strahle
Nature Communications  Published:27 January 2023

神経発達障害の背景に脳液の流れの乱れがある可能性(Disrupted flow of brain fluid may underlie neurodevelopmental disorders)


Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is essential for the development and function of the central nervous system (CNS). However, the brain and its interstitium have largely been thought of as a single entity through which CSF circulates, and it is not known whether specific cell populations within the CNS preferentially interact with the CSF. Here, we develop a technique for CSF tracking, gold nanoparticle-enhanced X-ray microtomography, to achieve micrometer-scale resolution visualization of CSF circulation patterns during development. Using this method and subsequent histological analysis in rodents, we identify previously uncharacterized CSF pathways from the subarachnoid space (particularly the basal cisterns) that mediate CSF-parenchymal interactions involving 24 functional-anatomic cell groupings in the brain and spinal cord. CSF distribution to these areas is largely restricted to early development and is altered in posthemorrhagic hydrocephalus. Our study also presents particle size-dependent CSF circulation patterns through the CNS including interaction between neurons and small CSF tracers, but not large CSF tracers. These findings have implications for understanding the biological basis of normal brain development and the pathogenesis of a broad range of disease states, including hydrocephalus.
