アルツハイマー病に向かう「ティッピング・ポイント」:新しい電気的手法により、多くの神経変性疾患の原因となる脳内タンパク質のダイナミクスを誘発・解析(The ‘Tipping Point’ Toward Alzheimer’s:New electrical method triggers and analyzes dynamics of brain protein that underlie many neurodegenerative diseases)


2023-02-14 カリフォルニア大学サンタバーバラ校(UCSB)

アルツハイマー病に向かう「ティッピング・ポイント」:新しい電気的手法により、多くの神経変性疾患の原因となる脳内タンパク質のダイナミクスを誘発・解析(The ‘Tipping Point’ Toward Alzheimer’s:New electrical method triggers and analyzes dynamics of brain protein that underlie many neurodegenerative diseases)

◆しかし、カリフォルニア大学サンタバーバラ校の研究者たちが開発した新しい手法により、この変化が起こる過程をリアルタイムで制御・追跡することが可能になった。この方法では、低電圧の電気を、タンパク質の折り畳みと集合の引き金となる自然のシグナルに代わるものとして使用します。「と、生化学・分子遺伝学の名誉教授で、Journal of Biological Chemistry誌に掲載された論文(リンクは外部参照)の筆頭著者であるダニエル・E・モース(Daniel E. Morse)博士は語っています。


タウのコアペプチドK18のリン酸化を模倣した新しい電気化学的手法により、中間体や集合体の速度論的・構造論的な解析が可能になった A new electrochemical method that mimics phosphorylation of the core tau peptide K18 enables kinetic and structural analysis of intermediates and assembly

Eloise Masquelier, Esther Taxon, Sheng-Ping Liang, Yahya Al Sabeh, Lior Sepunaru, Michael J Gordon, Daniel E Morse
Journal of Biological Chemistry  Published: 2023 Feb 11


Tau protein’s reversible assembly and binding of microtubules in brain neurons are regulated by charge-neutralizing phosphorylation, while its hyperphosphorylation drives the irreversible formation of cytotoxic filaments associated with neurodegenerative diseases. However, the structural changes that facilitate these diverse functions are unclear. Here, we analyzed K18, a core peptide of tau, using newly developed spectroelectrochemical instrumentation that enables electroreduction as a surrogate for charge neutralization by phosphorylation, with simultaneous, real-time quantitative analyses of the resulting conformational transitions and assembly. We observed a tipping point between behaviors that paralleled the transition between tau’s physiologically-required, reversible folding and assembly and the irreversibility of assemblies. The resulting rapidly electro-assembled structures represent the first fibrillar tangles of K18 that have been formed in vitro at room temperature without using heparin or other charge-complementary anionic partners. These methods make it possible to (i) trigger and analyze in real time the early stages of conformational transitions and assembly without the need for preformed seeds, heterogenous coacervation, or crowding; (ii) kinetically resolve and potentially isolate never-before-seen early intermediates in these processes; and (iii) develop assays for additional factors and mechanisms that can direct the trajectory of assembly from physiologically benign and reversible to potentially pathological and irreversible structures. We anticipate wide applicability of these methods to other amyloidogenic systems and beyond.
