ラッサウイルスに対抗する抗体「カクテル」を開発(Scientists create antibody ​’cocktail’ to fight deadly Lassa virus)


高出力X線ビームを用いて、抗体がワクチンを求める人々に希望を与えることを明らかにした Using high-powered X-ray beams, researchers see how antibodies can offer hope to those in search of a vaccine

2023-03-16 アルゴンヌ国立研究所(ANL)

ラッサウイルスに対抗する抗体「カクテル」を開発(Scientists create antibody ​’cocktail’ to fight deadly Lassa virus)
Scientists have used Argonne’s APS to study a new antibody “cocktail” that can help counter the Lassa virus, responsible for thousands of deaths annually in Africa. (Image by Shutterstock/Kateryna Kon.)

米国のアルゴンヌ国立研究所が運営するAPS(Advanced Photon Source)を用いた研究によって、Lassaウイルスに対抗する新しい抗体「カクテル」が同定され、Lassa熱と戦うための新しいワクチンの可能性があることが分かった。


保護抗体のカクテルがラッサウイルスの緻密な糖鎖シールドを覆す A cocktail of protective antibodies subverts the dense glycan shield of Lassa virus

Haoyang Li ,Tierra Buck,Michelle Zandonatti ,Jieyun Yin,Alex Moon-Walker ,Jingru Fang,Anatoliy Koval,Megan L. Heinrich,Megan M. Rowland,Ruben Diaz Avalos,Sharon L. Schendel ,Diptiben Parekh,Dawid Zyla,Adrian Enriquez,Stephanie Harkins,Brian Sullivan,Victoria Smith,Onyeka Chukwudozie ,Reika Watanabe,James E. Robinson,Robert F. Garry,Luis M. Branco,Kathryn M. Hastie,Erica Ollmann Saphire
Science Translational Medicine  Published:26 Oct 2022

Viral vulnerability

Lassa virus (LASV), the causative agent of Lassa fever, remains a major target for vaccine and therapeutic development. Here, Li et al. characterized how a cocktail of three antibodies targets the LASV glycoprotein complex. The authors found that the antibodies neutralize LASV via complementary mechanisms and either circumvented or exploited glycans on the glycoprotein complex for binding. The authors used this extensive characterization to generate a candidate LASV antigen that could be used for vaccine development or discovery of additional neutralizing antibodies.


Developing potent therapeutics and effective vaccines are the ultimate goals in controlling infectious diseases. Lassa virus (LASV), the causative pathogen of Lassa fever (LF), infects hundreds of thousands annually, but effective antivirals or vaccines against LASV infection are still lacking. Furthermore, neutralizing antibodies against LASV are rare. Here, we describe biochemical analyses and high-resolution cryo-electron microscopy structures of a therapeutic cocktail of three broadly protective antibodies that target the LASV glycoprotein complex (GPC), previously identified from survivors of multiple LASV infections. Structural and mechanistic analyses reveal compatible neutralizing epitopes and complementary neutralization mechanisms that offer high potency, broad range, and resistance to escape. These antibodies either circumvent or exploit specific glycans comprising the extensive glycan shield of GPC. Further, they require mammalian glycosylation, native GPC cleavage, and proper GPC trimerization. These findings guided engineering of a next-generation GPC antigen suitable for future neutralizing antibody and vaccine discovery. Together, these results explain protective mechanisms of rare, broad, and potent antibodies and identify a strategy for the rational design of therapeutic modalities against LF and related infectious diseases.
