抗肥満薬が肥満症患者の連想学習を改善(Anti-obesity drug improves associative learning in people with obesity)


2023-08-17 マックス・プランク研究所



リラグルチドは肥満症患者において障害された連合学習を回復させる Liraglutide restores impaired associative learning in individuals with obesity

Ruth Hanssen,Lionel Rigoux,Bojana Kuzmanovic,Sandra Iglesias,Alina C. Kretschmer,Marc Schlamann,Kerstin Albus,Sharmili Edwin Thanarajah,Tamara Sitnikow,Corina Melzer,Oliver A. Cornely,Jens C. Brüning & Marc Tittgemeyer
Nature Metabolism  Published:17 August 2023

抗肥満薬が肥満症患者の連想学習を改善(Anti-obesity drug improves associative learning in people with obesity)


Survival under selective pressure is driven by the ability of our brain to use sensory information to our advantage to control physiological needs. To that end, neural circuits receive and integrate external environmental cues and internal metabolic signals to form learned sensory associations, consequently motivating and adapting our behaviour. The dopaminergic midbrain plays a crucial role in learning adaptive behaviour and is particularly sensitive to peripheral metabolic signals, including intestinal peptides, such as glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1). In a single-blinded, randomized, controlled, crossover basic human functional magnetic resonance imaging study relying on a computational model of the adaptive learning process underlying behavioural responses, we show that adaptive learning is reduced when metabolic sensing is impaired in obesity, as indexed by reduced insulin sensitivity (participants: N = 30 with normal insulin sensitivity; N = 24 with impaired insulin sensitivity). Treatment with the GLP-1 receptor agonist liraglutide normalizes impaired learning of sensory associations in men and women with obesity. Collectively, our findings reveal that GLP-1 receptor activation modulates associative learning in people with obesity via its central effects within the mesoaccumbens pathway. These findings provide evidence for how metabolic signals can act as neuromodulators to adapt our behaviour to our body’s internal state and how GLP-1 receptor agonists work in clinics.
