ナノピラーは細胞を傷つけることなく核に小さな開口部を作る(Nanopillars Create Tiny Openings in the Nucleus Without Damaging Cells)


2024-10-02 カリフォルニア大学サンディエゴ校(UCSD)



設計されたナノトポグラフィーが核膜の一時的な開口部を誘導する Engineered Nanotopographies Induce Transient Openings in the Nuclear Membrane

Einollah Sarikhani, Vrund Patel, Zhi Li, Dhivya Pushpa Meganathan, Keivan Rahmani, Leah Sadr, Ryan Hosseini, Diether Visda, Shivani Shukla, Hamed Naghsh-Nilchi, Adarsh Balaji …
Advanced Functional Materials  Published: 02 September 2024

ナノピラーは細胞を傷つけることなく核に小さな開口部を作る(Nanopillars Create Tiny Openings in the Nucleus Without Damaging Cells)


Materials with engineered nano-scale surface topographies, such as nanopillars, nanoneedles, and nanowires, mimic natural structures like viral spike proteins, enabling them to bypass biological barriers like the plasma membrane. These properties have led to applications in nanoelectronics for intracellular sensing and drug delivery platforms, some of which are already in clinical trials. Here, evidence is present that nanotopographic materials can induce transient openings in the nuclear membranes of various cell types without penetrating the cells, breaching the nucleo-cytoplasmic barrier, and allowing uncontrolled molecular exchange across the nuclear membrane. These openings, induced by nanoscale curvature, are temporary and repaired through the Endosomal Sorting Complexes Required for Transport (ESCRT)-mediated mechanisms. The findings suggest a potential for nano\topographic materials to temporarily breach the nuclear membrane with potential applications in direct nuclear sensing and delivery.
