2025-02-13 ハーバード大学
- https://seas.harvard.edu/news/2025/02/mapping-connections-neuronal-network
- https://www.nature.com/articles/s41551-025-01352-5
- https://www.nature.com/articles/s41551-019-0455-7
マイクロホール電極アレイを用いた並列化された細胞内記録による数千のニューロン間のシナプス結合マッピング Synaptic connectivity mapping among thousands of neurons via parallelized intracellular recording with a microhole electrode array
Jun Wang,Woo-Bin Jung,Rona S. Gertner,Hongkun Park & Donhee Ham
Nature Biomedical Engineering Published:11 February 2025
The massive parallelization of neuronal intracellular recording, which enables the measurement of synaptic signals across a neuronal network, and thus the mapping and characterization of synaptic connections, is an open challenge, with the state of the art being limited to the mapping of about 300 synaptic connections. Here we report a 4,096 platinum/platinum-black microhole electrode array fabricated on a complementary metal-oxide semiconductor chip for parallel intracellular recording and thus for synaptic-connectivity mapping. The microhole–neuron interface, together with current-clamp electronics in the underlying semiconductor chip, allowed a 90% average intracellular coupling rate in rat neuronal cultures, generating network-wide intracellular-recording data with abundant synaptic signals. From these data, we extracted more than 70,000 plausible synaptic connections among more than 2,000 neurons and catalogued them into electrical synaptic connections and into inhibitory, weak/uneventful excitatory and strong/eventful excitatory chemical synaptic connections, with an estimated overall error rate of about 5%. This scale of synaptic-connectivity mapping and the ability to characterize synaptic connections is a step towards the functional connectivity mapping of large-scale neuronal networks.
数千のニューロンから細胞内記録を得るためのナノ電極アレイ A nanoelectrode array for obtaining intracellular recordings from thousands of connected neurons
Jeffrey Abbott,Tianyang Ye,Keith Krenek,Rona S. Gertner,Steven Ban,Youbin Kim,Ling Qin,Wenxuan Wu,Hongkun Park & Donhee Ham
Nature Biomedical Engineering Published:23 September 2019
Current electrophysiological or optical techniques cannot reliably perform simultaneous intracellular recordings from more than a few tens of neurons. Here we report a nanoelectrode array that can simultaneously obtain intracellular recordings from thousands of connected mammalian neurons in vitro. The array consists of 4,096 platinum-black electrodes with nanoscale roughness fabricated on top of a silicon chip that monolithically integrates 4,096 microscale amplifiers, configurable into pseudocurrent-clamp mode (for concurrent current injection and voltage recording) or into pseudovoltage-clamp mode (for concurrent voltage application and current recording). We used the array in pseudovoltage-clamp mode to measure the effects of drugs on ion-channel currents. In pseudocurrent-clamp mode, the array intracellularly recorded action potentials and postsynaptic potentials from thousands of neurons. In addition, we mapped over 300 excitatory and inhibitory synaptic connections from more than 1,700 neurons that were intracellularly recorded for 19 min. This high-throughput intracellular-recording technology could benefit functional connectome mapping, electrophysiological screening and other functional interrogations of neuronal networks.