6200万年前の哺乳類の骨格が進化の謎を解明(A 62-million-year-old skeleton sheds light on an enigmatic mammal)


2025-03-11 イェール大学

イェール大学の研究チームは、約6,200万年前の哺乳類Mixodectes pungensの最も完全な骨格を分析し、その生態や進化的関係を解明した。体重約1.3kgのこの種は樹上生活に適応し、木の幹や枝に垂直にしがみつく能力があったと推定される。臼歯の形状から主に葉を食べる葉食性であり、一部雑食の可能性も示唆された。進化的には現生の霊長類やフクロモモンガに近縁であり、哺乳類の多様化の過程を理解する上で重要な発見となった。本研究は、恐竜絶滅後の哺乳類の適応と進化を示す貴重な知見を提供する。


白亜紀-古第三紀大量絶滅後の暁新世の大型原生哺乳類の樹上生活を、ミクソデクテスの極めて完全な新しい骨格が明らかにした New remarkably complete skeleton of Mixodectes reveals arboreality in a large Paleocene primatomorphan mammal following the Cretaceous-Paleogene mass extinction

Stephen G. B. Chester,Thomas E. Williamson,Jordan W. Crowell,Mary T. Silcox,Jonathan I. Bloch & Eric J. Sargis
Scientific Reports  Published:11 March 2025

6200万年前の哺乳類の骨格が進化の謎を解明(A 62-million-year-old skeleton sheds light on an enigmatic mammal)


Mixodectids are poorly understood placental mammals from the Paleocene of western North America that have variably been considered close relatives of euarchontan mammals (primates, dermopterans, and scandentians) with hypothesized relationships to colugos, extinct plagiomenids, and/or microsyopid plesiadapiforms. Here we describe the most complete dentally associated skeleton yet recovered for a mixodectid, specifically Mixodectes pungens from the early Paleocene of the San Juan Basin, New Mexico. A partial skull with all the teeth erupted and associated axial skeleton, forelimbs, and hind limbs, with epiphyses fused, indicate that it was a mature adult. Results from cladistic analyses incorporating new data robustly support primatomorphan (Primates + Dermoptera) affinities of Mixodectidae, but relationships within Euarchonta are less clear, with Mixodectes recovered as a stem primatomorphan, stem dermopteran, or stem primate. Analyses of postcrania suggest that M. pungens was a relatively large (~ 1.3 kg), claw-climbing arborealist capable of frequent clinging on large diameter vertical supports. With teeth suggesting an omnivorous diet that included leaves, M. pungens occupied a unique ecological niche in the early Paleocene of North America that differed from contemporary, arboreal plesiadapiforms that were smaller and more frugivorous. Euarchontans were thus a more diverse radiation in the early Cenozoic than previously appreciated.
