捕食行動が多世代にわたって継承されることを解明 (Predatory Behaviour is Inherited Across Multiple Generations in Nematodes)


2025-03-13 マックス・プランク研究所 (MPG)

マックスプランク生物学研究所の研究チームは、線虫(ネマトーダ)の捕食行動が複数世代にわたり遺伝することを明らかにしました。 この研究では、線虫の捕食行動が環境の長期的な変化に応じて進化し、遺伝的記憶として次世代に伝達されることが示されました。この発見は、捕食行動の進化と環境適応の理解に新たな視点を提供します。


EBAX-1/ZSWIM8はmiRNAを不安定化し、捕食形質を世代を超えて遺伝させる EBAX-1/ZSWIM8 destabilizes miRNAs, resulting in transgenerational inheritance of a predatory trait

Shiela Pearl Quiobe, Ata Kalirad, Waltraud Röseler, Hanh Witte, […], and Ralf J. Sommer
Science Advances  Published:12 Mar 2025

捕食行動が多世代にわたって継承されることを解明 (Predatory Behaviour is Inherited Across Multiple Generations in Nematodes)


Environmental influences on traits and associated transgenerational epigenetic inheritance have widespread implications but remain controversial and underlying mechanisms poorly understood. We introduce long-term environmental induction experiments on alternative diets in Pristionchus pacificus, a nematode exhibiting mouth-form plasticity including predation, by propagating 110 isogenic lines for 101 generations with associated food-reversal experiments. We found dietary induction and subsequent transgenerational inheritance of the predatory morph and identified a role of ubiquitin ligase EBAX-1/ZSWIM8 in this process. Ppa-ebax-1 mutants are transgenerational inheritance defective, and Ppa-EBAX-1 destabilizes the clustered microRNA family miR-2235a/miR-35. Deletions of a cluster of 44 identical miR-2235a copies resulted in precocious and extended transgenerational inheritance of the predatory morph. These findings indicate that EBAX-1/ZSWIM8 destabilizes miRNAs, resulting in transgenerational inheritance, suggesting a role for target-directed miRNA degradation.
