自殺の兆候を人工知能で解析、WPI主導の研究で主要な予測因子を特定(Using Artificial Intelligence to Comb Through Warning Signs of Suicide, WPI-led Study Identifies Key Predictors)


見過ごされがちな解離症状がクローズアップされる Often-overlooked dissociative symptoms come into focus

2023-02-08 ウスター工科大学(WPI)

◆この3年間の研究成果は、European Journal of Psychotraumatology誌に最近掲載され、臨床医に警告サインを素早く選別する新しい方法を提供する可能性があり、AIを使って自殺的自傷を理解する上でのブレークスルーを意味するものです。
◆この画期的な研究は、1973年にWPIを卒業したHarry Kasparianが、2016年に23歳で自死した娘のJuliaを偲んで始めたものです。Julia Kasparian Fund for Neuroscience Researchは、DID、うつ病、自殺に焦点を当てた精神疾患の予防、早期診断、治療を改善するために、WPIとマクリーンの教員と学生の神経科学者、臨床医、コンピューター科学者との共同研究を支援します。


人工知能を用いたトラウマ関連解離の女性における精神医学的異質性の解明と自殺企図の予測 Unravelling psychiatric heterogeneity and predicting suicide attempts in women with trauma-related dissociation using artificial intelligence

Suhas Srinivasan,Nathaniel G. Harnett,Liang Zhang,M. Kathryn Dahlgren,Junbong Jang,Senbao Lu,Benjamin C. Nephew,Cori A. Palermoc ,Xi Pan,Mohamed Y. Eltabakh,Blaise B. Frederick,Staci A. Gruber,Milissa L. Kaufman,Jean King,Kerry J. Ressler,Sherry Winternitz,Dmitry Korkin & Lauren A. M. Lebois
European Journal of Psychotraumatology  Published: 18 Nov 2022


Background: Suicide is a leading cause of death, and rates of attempted suicide have increased during the COVID-19 pandemic. The under-diagnosed psychiatric phenotype of dissociation is associated with elevated suicidal self-injury; however, it has largely been left out of attempts to predict and prevent suicide.

Objective: We designed an artificial intelligence approach to identify dissociative patients and predict prior suicide attempts in an unbiased, data-driven manner.

Method: Participants were 30 controls and 93 treatment-seeking female patients with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and various levels of dissociation, including some with the PTSD dissociative subtype and some with dissociative identity disorder (DID).

Results: Unsupervised learning models identified patients along a spectrum of dissociation. Moreover, supervised learning models accurately predicted prior suicide attempts with an F1 score up to 0.83. DID had the highest risk of prior suicide attempts, and distinct subtypes of dissociation predicted suicide attempts in PTSD and DID.

Conclusions: These findings expand our understanding of the dissociative phenotype and underscore the urgent need to assess for dissociation to identify individuals at high-risk of suicidal self-injury.


  • Dissociation, feelings of detachment and disruption in one’s sense of self and surroundings, is associated with an elevated risk of suicidal self-injury; however, it has largely been left out of attempts to predict and prevent suicide.
  • Using machine learning techniques, we found dissociative identity disorder had the highest risk of prior suicide attempts, and distinct subtypes of dissociation predicted suicide attempts in posttraumatic stress disorder and dissociative identity disorder.
  • These findings underscore the urgent need to assess for dissociation to identify individuals at high-risk of suicidal self-injury.
