ゲノムの倍加ががんの発生を助ける仕組み(How genome doubling helps cancer develop)


2023-03-28 スイス連邦工科大学ローザンヌ校(EPFL)

◆EPFLのElisa Oricchio氏とUNILのGiovanni Ciriello氏率いる研究チームは、WGDががんを引き起こす方法について新しい手掛かりを発見しました。Natureに掲載された研究では、WGDが「クロマチン分離の喪失」という現象を介して細胞内部のクロマチンの3D構造に影響を与えることが示されています。


全ゲノム倍加が発がん性のクロマチン分離の喪失を促進する Whole-genome doubling drives oncogenic loss of chromatin segregation

Ruxandra A. Lambuta,Luca Nanni,Yuanlong Liu,Juan Diaz-Miyar,Arvind Iyer,Daniele Tavernari,Natalya Katanayeva,Giovanni Ciriello & Elisa Oricchio
Nature  Published:15 March 2023

figure 1


Whole-genome doubling (WGD) is a recurrent event in human cancers and it promotes chromosomal instability and acquisition of aneuploidies1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8. However, the three-dimensional organization of chromatin in WGD cells and its contribution to oncogenic phenotypes are currently unknown. Here we show that in p53-deficient cells, WGD induces loss of chromatin segregation (LCS). This event is characterized by reduced segregation between short and long chromosomes, A and B subcompartments and adjacent chromatin domains. LCS is driven by the downregulation of CTCF and H3K9me3 in cells that bypassed activation of the tetraploid checkpoint. Longitudinal analyses revealed that LCS primes genomic regions for subcompartment repositioning in WGD cells. This results in chromatin and epigenetic changes associated with oncogene activation in tumours ensuing from WGD cells. Notably, subcompartment repositioning events were largely independent of chromosomal alterations, which indicates that these were complementary mechanisms contributing to tumour development and progression. Overall, LCS initiates chromatin conformation changes that ultimately result in oncogenic epigenetic and transcriptional modifications, which suggests that chromatin evolution is a hallmark of WGD-driven cancer.

