コンタクトトレーシングのためのウェアラブル技術が開発される(Wearable tech for contact tracing developed)


2023-10-31 ワシントン大学セントルイス校

コンタクトトレーシングのためのウェアラブル技術が開発される(Wearable tech for contact tracing developed)
Researchers working with Chenyang Lu developed tailored contact tracing algorithms for different areas of the ICU using coin-sized beacons (left) that attach to health-care workers’ badges and transmit location information to strategically placed receivers (right). (Photos courtesy of Jingwen Zhang)

◆ワシントン大学の研究者は、COVID-19のコンタクトトレーシングを改善するために、病院で働く医療従事者向けの自動化されたシステム「CATCH(Contact Tracing for Hospitals)」を開発しました。このシステムでは、ICUの医療従事者がバッジにBluetoothビーコンを取り付け、これらのビーコンがICU内で信号を送信し、情報は安全にサーバーに格納され、陽性のテスト結果に対するコンタクトトレーシングレポートを提供します。このシステムはプライバシーに配慮し、携帯電話の追跡を避けることができます。


集中治療室における医療従事者のコンタクトトレーシング Contact Tracing for Healthcare Workers in an Intensive Care Unit

Jingwen ZhangRuixuan Dai,Ashraf Rjob,Ruiqi Wang,Reshad Hamauon,Jeffrey Candell,Thomas Bailey,Victoria J. Fraser,Maria Cristina Vazquez Guillamet,Chenyang Lu
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies  Published:27 September 2023


Contact tracing is a powerful tool for mitigating the spread of COVID-19 during the pandemic. Front-line healthcare workers are particularly at high risk of infection in hospital units. This paper presents ContAct TraCing for Hospitals (CATCH), an automated contact tracing system designed specifically for healthcare workers in hospital environments. CATCH employs distributed embedded devices placed throughout a hospital unit to detect close contacts among healthcare workers wearing Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) beacons. We first identify a set of distinct contact tracing scenarios based on the diverse environmental characteristics of a real-world intensive care unit (ICU) and the different working patterns of healthcare workers in different spaces within the unit. We then develop a suite of novel contact tracing methods tailored for each scenario. CATCH has been deployed and evaluated in the ICU of a major medical center, demonstrating superior accuracy in contact tracing over existing approaches through a wide range of experiments. Furthermore, the real-world case study highlights the effectiveness and efficiency of CATCH compared to standard contact tracing practices.

