マイクロバイオーム研究における再現性の危機を解決するかもしれない新知見(New Findings May Fix the Replicability Crisis in Microbiome Research)


2024-07-01 カリフォルニア大学サンディエゴ校(UCSD)

カリフォルニア大学サンディエゴ校の研究者たちは、腸内微生物叢の構成に影響を与える新たな要因として、時間帯を発見しました。研究は『Nature Metabolism』に掲載され、腸内微生物叢が朝と夕方で異なることを示しています。これにより、異なる時間に採取された便サンプルの解析結果が大きく異なる可能性があるため、再現性の問題が生じることが明らかになりました。研究チームは、腸内微生物研究においてサンプル採取時間を報告する必要性を強調しています。


マイクロバイオーム解析の再現性にはサンプル採取時期が重要である Time of sample collection is critical for the replicability of microbiome analyses

Celeste Allaband,Amulya Lingaraju,Stephany Flores Ramos,Tanya Kumar,Haniyeh Javaheri,Maria D. Tiu,Ana Carolina Dantas Machado,R. Alexander Richter,Emmanuel Elijah,Gabriel G. Haddad,Vanessa A. Leone,Pieter C. Dorrestein,Rob Knight & Amir Zarrinpar
Nature Metabolism  Published:01 July 2024

extended data figure 1


As the microbiome field moves from descriptive and associative research to mechanistic and interventional studies, being able to account for all confounding variables in the experimental design, which includes the maternal effect1, cage effect2, facility differences3, as well as laboratory and sample handling protocols4, is critical for interpretability of results. Despite significant procedural and bioinformatic improvements, unexplained variability and lack of replicability still occur. One underexplored factor is that the microbiome is dynamic and exhibits diurnal oscillations that can change microbiome composition5,6,7. In this retrospective analysis of 16S amplicon sequencing studies in male mice, we show that sample collection time affects the conclusions drawn from microbiome studies and its effect size is larger than those of a daily experimental intervention or dietary changes. The timing of divergence of the microbiome composition between experimental and control groups is unique to each experiment. Sample collection times as short as only 4 hours apart can lead to vastly different conclusions. Lack of consistency in the time of sample collection may explain poor cross-study replicability in microbiome research. The impact of diurnal rhythms on the outcomes and study design of other fields is unknown but likely significant.

