新しい免疫療法が脊髄損傷からの回復を改善する(Novel immunotherapy improves recovery from spinal cord injury)


2024-09-04 ワシントン大学セントルイス校



中枢神経系損傷に対する人工T細胞療法 Engineered T cell therapy for central nervous system injury

Wenqing Gao,Min Woo Kim,Taitea Dykstra,Siling Du,Pavle Boskovic,Cheryl F. Lichti,Miguel A. Ruiz-Cardozo,Xingxing Gu,Tal Weizman Shapira,Justin Rustenhoven,Camilo Molina,Igor Smirnov,Yifat Merbl,Wilson Z. Ray &Jonathan Kipnis
Nature  Published:04 September 2024

新しい免疫療法が脊髄損傷からの回復を改善する(Novel immunotherapy improves recovery from spinal cord injury)


Traumatic injuries to the central nervous system (CNS) afflict millions of individuals worldwide1, yet an effective treatment remains elusive. Following such injuries, the site is populated by a multitude of peripheral immune cells, including T cells, but a comprehensive understanding of the roles and antigen specificity of these endogenous T cells at the injury site has been lacking. This gap has impeded the development of immune-mediated cellular therapies for CNS injuries. Here, using single-cell RNA sequencing, we demonstrated the clonal expansion of mouse and human spinal cord injury-associated T cells and identified that CD4+ T cell clones in mice exhibit antigen specificity towards self-peptides of myelin and neuronal proteins. Leveraging mRNA-based T cell receptor (TCR) reconstitution, a strategy aimed to minimize potential adverse effects from prolonged activation of self-reactive T cells, we generated engineered transiently autoimmune T cells. These cells demonstrated notable neuroprotective efficacy in CNS injury models, in part by modulating myeloid cells via IFNγ. Our findings elucidate mechanistic insight underlying the neuroprotective function of injury-responsive T cells and pave the way for the future development of T cell therapies for CNS injuries.
