未来の人工視覚を可能にするAIモジュールを設計(Seeing the future: Michael Beyeler’s work in neurotechnology earns him top faculty award)


2024-12-17 カリフォルニア大学サンタバーバラ校 (UCSB)

カリフォルニア大学サンタバーバラ校(UCSB)のマイケル・バイラー助教授が、2024-25年度のハロルド・J・プラウス記念賞を受賞しました。彼は、神経科学、コンピューターサイエンス、工学、心理学の交差点で、視覚回復技術、特に「バイオニックアイ」として知られる網膜および皮質インプラントの研究を進めています。バイラー氏が率いるBionic Vision Labは、人工視覚システムの強化と、脳が視覚情報を処理する方法の理論的理解の深化に取り組んでいます。彼らの研究は、視覚障害者の生活の質を向上させる可能性を秘めており、科学と変革的技術の橋渡しを目指しています。特に、視覚プロテーゼのユーザーが周囲をどのように知覚するかを予測するコンピューターモデルの開発や、仮想現実(VR)シミュレーターの設計・改良などが注目されています。これらの取り組みは、次世代デバイスの開発を導くことを目的としており、インプラント開発者との密接な協力のもと進められています。


視覚補装具の開発と移植者のニーズとの整合性 Aligning Visual Prosthetic Development With Implantee Needs

Lucas Nadolskis; Lily M. Turkstra; Ebenezer Larnyo; Michael Beyeler
Translational Vision Science & Technology Published:November 2024

未来の人工視覚を可能にするAIモジュールを設計(Seeing the future: Michael Beyeler’s work in neurotechnology earns him top faculty award)


Purpose: Visual prosthetics are a promising assistive technology for vision loss, yet research often overlooks the human aspects of this technology. While previous studies focus on the perceptual experiences or attitudes of implant recipients (implantees), a systematic account of how current implants are being used in everyday life is still lacking.

Methods: We interviewed six recipients of the most widely used visual implants (Argus II and Orion) and six leading researchers in the field. Through thematic analyses, we explored the daily usage of these implants by implantees and compared their responses to the expectations of researchers. We also sought implantees‘ input on desired features for future versions, aiming to inform the development of the next generation of implants.

Results: Although implants are designed to facilitate various daily activities, we found that implantees use them less frequently than researchers expect. This discrepancy primarily stems from issues with usability and reliability, with implantees finding alternative methods to accomplish tasks, reducing the need to rely on the implant. For future implants, implantees emphasized the desire for improved vision, smart integration, and increased independence.

Conclusions: Our study reveals a significant gap between researcher expectations and implantee experiences with visual prostheses. Although limited by access to a small population of implantees, this study highlights the importance of focusing future research on usability and real-world applications.

Translational Relevance: This retrospective qualitative study advocates for a better alignment between technology development and implantee needs to enhance clinical relevance and practical utility of visual prosthetics.
