SYSU研究者、上咽頭癌における誘導化学療法後の減量放射線療法の臨床試験(SYSU researchers publish the first clinical trial research paper in top oncology journal CA)


2025-02-21 中山大学(SYSU)

中山大学がんセンター(SYSUCC)の馬軍院士、孫穎教授、唐玲瓏教授が主導した画期的な第III相臨床試験の結果が、腫瘍学ジャーナル『CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians』に掲載されました。この研究は、誘導化学療法後の鼻咽頭がん(NPC)患者において、従来の放射線療法と比較して、縮小した腫瘍体積のみを対象とする放射線療法が、局所制御を維持しつつ、毒性を低減し、患者の生活の質を向上させることを明らかにしました。この成果は、NPC治療における重要な進歩であり、『CA』誌が創刊以来初めて臨床試験の研究論文を掲載したことを示しています。


上咽頭癌における誘導化学療法後の減量放射線療法と通常量放射線療法の比較:非盲検非劣性多施設無作為化第3相試験 Reduced-volume radiotherapy versus conventional-volume radiotherapy after induction chemotherapy in nasopharyngeal carcinoma: An open-label, noninferiority, multicenter, randomized phase 3 trial

Ling-Long Tang MD, Lin Chen MD, Gui-Qiong Xu MD, Ning Zhang MD, Cheng-Long Huang MD, Wen-Fei Li MD, Yan-Ping Mao MD, Guan-Qun Zhou MD, Feng Lei MD, Lu-Si Chen MD …
CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians  Published: 19 February 2025

SYSU研究者、上咽頭癌における誘導化学療法後の減量放射線療法の臨床試験(SYSU researchers publish the first clinical trial research paper in top oncology journal CA)


Nearly 90% locoregionally advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma (LANPC) responds to induction chemotherapy (IC) with significant tumor volume shrinkage. Radiotherapy always follows IC, and reduced volume has been proposed. However, the efficacy and safety of reduced-volume radiotherapy is uncertain.

In this multi-center, noninferiority, randomized, controlled trial, patients with LANPC who completed IC were randomly assigned (1:1) to receive reduced-volume radiotherapy based on post-IC tumor volume (Post-IC group) or conventional volume radiotherapy based on pre-IC tumor volume (Pre-IC group). The primary endpoint was locoregional relapse-free survival, with a noninferiority margin of 8%. Secondary endpoints comprised adverse events, and quality of life (QoL).

Between August 7, 2020, and May 27, 2022, 445 patients were randomly assigned to Post-IC (n = 225) or Pre-IC (n = 220) groups. The average volume receiving radical dose was 66.6 cm3 in Post-IC group versus 80.9 cm3. After a median follow-up of 40.4 months, the 3-year locoregional relapse-free survival was 91.5% in the Post-IC group versus 91.2%, with a difference of 0.3% (95% confidence interval -4.9% to 5.5%). The incidence of grade 3-4 radiation-related toxicity was lower in the Post-IC group including: acute mucositis (19.8% vs 34.1%), late otitis media (9.5% vs 20.9%) and late dry month (3.6% vs 9.5%). The Post-IC group had better QoL for global health status, physical functioning, emotional functioning, dry mouth and sticky saliva.

In this trial, reduced-volume radiotherapy was noninferior to conventional volume radiotherapy in locoregional relapse-free survival, and was associated with lower toxicities and improved QoL. ( identifier NCT04384627).
