野生のミツバチは多様な花の群落の中で繁栄していることがコンコルディアの研究で明らかになった(Wild bees thrive among diverse flower communities, Concordia study shows)


2025-03-11 カナダ・コンコルディア大学



都市緑地におけるミツバチの多様性向上に関連する花の形態の変化 Variation in flower morphology associated with higher bee diversity in urban green spaces

Serena Sinno, Gail MacInnis, Jean-Philippe Lessard, Carly D. Ziter
Ecological Applications  Published: 28 November 2024

野生のミツバチは多様な花の群落の中で繁栄していることがコンコルディアの研究で明らかになった(Wild bees thrive among diverse flower communities, Concordia study shows)


Urbanization is a leading threat to biodiversity, but scientifically informed management of urban ecosystems can mitigate negative impacts. For wild bees, which are declining worldwide, careful consideration of flower choice in public and private green spaces could help preserve their diversity. While floral density and species richness are both linked to wild bee diversity, the mechanisms underlying these relationships are not fully understood. Here, we tested two hypotheses relating the influence of floral trait composition to bee species richness, which we have termed the within-trait diversity and optimal floral trait hypotheses. Specifically, we assessed whether variation in bee richness relates to variation in the weighted variance (trait diversity) and mean (optimal trait) of floral traits observed in urban green spaces across the city of Montreal, Canada. Our analyses focused on two floral traits relating to pollinator feeding success: nectar sugar concentration and corolla length. After accounting for variation in floral density among sites, bee richness was positively related to community-weighted variance in corolla length, supporting the within-trait diversity hypothesis. These findings suggest that management practices that increase the diversity of flower morphologies in urban green spaces can promote the persistence of wild bee communities in cities.
