早期閉経とシナプスの健康状態の悪さがアルツハイマー病リスクを高める可能性がある: 研究結果(Earlier menopause and poor synaptic health could raise Alzheimer’s risk: Study)


2025-03-18 トロント大学(U of T)

トロント大学の最新研究によれば、早期の閉経とシナプスの健康状態の低下が、アルツハイマー病のリスク増加と関連していることが示唆されています。 この研究は、女性の神経変性疾患リスクにおけるホルモン変化の影響を強調しており、閉経時期と脳のシナプス機能の維持が、アルツハイマー病の予防戦略において重要な要素であることを示しています。


閉経年齢とシナプスの完全性の相互作用が女性のアルツハイマー病リスクを高める The interplay between age at menopause and synaptic integrity on Alzheimer’s disease risk in women

Madeline Wood Alexander, William G. Honer, Rowan Saloner, Liisa A. M. Galea, […], and Kaitlin B. Casaletto
Science Advances  Published:5 Mar 2025

早期閉経とシナプスの健康状態の悪さがアルツハイマー病リスクを高める可能性がある: 研究結果(Earlier menopause and poor synaptic health could raise Alzheimer’s risk: Study)


Menopause is a major biological transition that may influence women’s late-life brain health. Earlier estrogen depletion—via earlier menopause—has been associated with increased risk for Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Synaptic dysfunction also incites and exacerbates AD progression. We investigated whether age at menopause and synaptic health together influence AD neuropathology and cognitive trajectories using clinical and autopsy data from 268 female decedents in the Rush Memory and Aging Project. We observed significant interactions between age at menopause and synaptic integrity on cognitive decline and tau tangles, such that earlier menopause strengthened the associations of reduced synaptic integrity with faster cognitive decline and elevated tau. Exploratory analyses showed that these relationships were attenuated in women who took menopausal hormone therapy. These findings suggest that midlife endocrine processes or their sequalae may influence synaptic vulnerability to AD. Interventions addressing both hormonal factors and synaptic health could enhance resilience to dementia in women.
