下気道感染症の治療に吸入式抗生物質を使用し、抗菌剤耐性を低減できる可能性。 Using inhaled antibiotics to treat lower respiratory tract infections could help reduce antimicrobial resistance.
2022-05-12 バース大学
Oral antibiotics used to treat lower respiratory tract infections are often given inappropriately and contribute to antimicobial resistance
Lancet Respiratory Medicine誌(5月11日号)に掲載された論文では、研究者は、プライマリーケアで受診する患者、特に喘息やCOPD(慢性閉塞性肺疾患)などの長期の肺疾患を持つ患者の治療に、吸入抗生物質が有効である可能性を提案しています。これらの患者さんは、すでに吸入器の使用に慣れており、吸入式抗生物質は、口から服用するよりも少量で高濃度の効果が得られるため、害が少なくなる可能性があるとのことです。
- https://www.bath.ac.uk/announcements/inhaled-antibiotics-could-help-reduce-antimicrobial-resistance/
- https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanres/article/PIIS2213-2600(22)00172-2/fulltext
プライマリケアにおける急性下気道感染症に対する吸入抗生物質の投与:仮説の検討 Inhaled antibiotics for acute lower respiratory tract infections in primary care: a hypothesis
Alastair D Hay,Albert Bolhuis,Alyson L Huntley,Matthew D Jones
The Lancet Respiratory Medicine Published:May 10, 2022
Acute respiratory tract infections are the largest single contributor to the global disease burden as measured by disability-adjusted life-years.1Acute lower respiratory tract infections are the most common condition managed by primary care worldwide,2but around 50% of antibiotics given for acute lower respiratory tract infections are considered inappropriate,3unnecessarily contributing to antimicrobial resistance in both target and so-called bystander bacteria.4Antibiotic-resistant acute lower respiratory tract infections are the leading cause of antimicrobial resistance deaths worldwide.5