セルロースナノ結晶を容易に乾燥・再分散させる機構を解明(Researchers uncover mechanisms to easily dry, redisperse cellulose nanocrystals)


2023-01-11 ペンシルベニア州立大学(PennState)

このナノ結晶は、毛と呼ばれる末端に負に帯電したセルロース鎖を持っています。これは、電荷駆動型(静電的)と自由体積依存型(立体的)を意味する用語である「electrosteric repulsion」(エレクトロステリック・レパレーション)の結果である。


セルロースナノ結晶の再分散性をナノテクノロジーで制御する Nanoengineering the Redispersibility of Cellulose Nanocrystals

Breanna Huntington, Mica L. Pitcher and Amir Sheikhi
Biomacromolecules  Published:December 5, 2022


Enhancing the redispersibility of dried colloidal particles to yield stable dispersions after rehydration is a persistent challenge in the sustainable processing of nanocelluloses due to hydrogen bonding-induced irreversible aggregation. Programming nanocelluloses, such as cellulose nanocrystals (CNC), with moieties that enable colloidal repulsion after rehydration may address this challenge and contribute to the United Nation (UN)’s sustainable development goals (SDGs) of urban development and sustainable living (SDGs 9 and 11) and cradle-to-cradle processing (SDG 12). We hypothesize that imparting electrosteric repulsion to CNC via polyanionic disordered cellulose chains (hairs) protruding from each end may render the dried nanocrystals highly redispersible in aqueous media. Anionic hairy CNC (AHCNC), that is, CNC decorated with dicarboxylated cellulose (DCC) chains, were synthesized by the preferential, successive periodate/chlorite oxidation of the disordered regions of cellulose fibrils, bearing >5 mmol of carboxylate groups per gram. The colloidal properties of AHCNC were compared with those of sulfate half-ester group-functionalized CNC and TEMPO-oxidized CNC (TOCNC) after redispersion in aqueous media, followed by comparing the redispersibility of AHCNC and CNC in aqueous solutions containing monovalent or divalent cations and at varying pH. The AHCNC had remarkable aqueous redispersibility even at high ionic strengths and extreme pH. The unique redispersibility mechanism of dried AHCNC relies on the synergistic steric and electrostatic repulsion forces, recuperated upon the rehydration of DCC. This work may open new opportunities for more sustainable and cost-effective handling and processing of nanocelluloses.
