ブドウの病気に対する抵抗力を高めるための画期的な研究成果を発表(Study reveals potential breakthrough in grapevine disease resistance)


2023-06-15 カリフォルニア大学校アーバイン校(UCI)

◆UC IrvineとUC Davisの科学者チームが、ブドウに影響を及ぼす壊滅的な病気に対する重要な進展を遂げました。彼らは野生ブドウ植物から病気に対する抵抗性の候補遺伝子を発見し、農業産業の将来に希望をもたらす可能性があると報告しました。また、気候と抵抗性遺伝子の関連性も明らかにされました。


野生のブドウ(Vitis sps.)におけるXylella fastidiosaに対する多遺伝子性抵抗性と、気候変動下におけるその意味合い Multigenic resistance to Xylella fastidiosa in wild grapes (Vitis sps.) and its implications within a changing climate

Abraham Morales-Cruz,Jonas Aguirre-Liguori,Mélanie Massonnet,Andrea Minio,Mirella Zaccheo,Noe Cochetel,Andrew Walker,Summaira Riaz,Yongfeng Zhou,Dario Cantu & Brandon S. Gaut
Communications Biology  Published:30 May 2023

figure 3


Xylella fastidiosa is a bacterium that infects crops like grapevines, coffee, almonds, citrus and olives. There is little understanding of the genes that contribute to plant resistance, the genomic architecture of resistance, and the potential role of climate in shaping resistance, in part because major crops like grapevines (Vitis vinifera) are not resistant to the bacterium. Here we study a wild grapevine species, V. arizonica, that segregates for resistance. Using genome-wide association, we identify candidate resistance genes. Resistance-associated kmers are shared with a sister species of V. arizonica but not with more distant species, suggesting that resistance evolved more than once. Finally, resistance is climate dependent, because individuals from low ( < 10 °C) temperature locations in the wettest quarter were typically susceptible to infection, likely reflecting a lack of pathogen pressure in colder climates. In fact, climate is as effective a predictor of resistance phenotypes as some genetic markers. We extend our climate observations to additional crops, predicting that increased pathogen pressure is more likely for grapevines and almonds than some other susceptible crops.

