藻類に類似: 微粒子の動きを操作することで、生命体の工学に近づく(Analogous to Algae: Scientists Move Toward Engineering Living Matter by Manipulating Movement of Microparticles)


2023-07-13  ニューヨーク大学 (NYU)

◆科学者チームが、レーザービームと微小なローターを使用して、自然現象(ハリケーンや藻など)の動きを再現するシステムを開発しました。この研究は、生命現象を細胞レベルで再現する新たな方法を提供し、論文『Nature Communications』に報告されました。


非同期光学駆動マイクロローターにおける流体力学的スピン軌道相互作用 Hydrodynamic spin-orbit coupling in asynchronous optically driven micro-rotors

Alvin Modin,Matan Yah Ben Zion & Paul M. Chaikin
Nature Communications  Published:11 July 2023

藻類に類似: 微粒子の動きを操作することで、生命体の工学に近づく(Analogous to Algae: Scientists Move Toward Engineering Living Matter by Manipulating Movement of Microparticles)


Vortical flows of rotating particles describe interactions ranging from molecular machines to atmospheric dynamics. Yet to date, direct observation of the hydrodynamic coupling between artificial micro-rotors has been restricted by the details of the chosen drive, either through synchronization (using external magnetic fields) or confinement (using optical tweezers). Here we present a new active system that illuminates the interplay of rotation and translation in free rotors. We develop a non-tweezing circularly polarized beam that simultaneously rotates hundreds of silica-coated birefringent colloids. The particles rotate asynchronously in the optical torque field while freely diffusing in the plane. We observe that neighboring particles orbit each other with an angular velocity that depends on their spins. We derive an analytical model in the Stokes limit for pairs of spheres that quantitatively explains the observed dynamics. We then find that the geometrical nature of the low Reynolds fluid flow results in a universal hydrodynamic spin-orbit coupling. Our findings are of significance for the understanding and development of far-from-equilibrium materials.
