ヒト組織を模倣し、細菌と戦う:新しいバイオマテリアルがスイートスポットを突く(Mimics human tissue, fights bacteria: new biomaterial hits the sweet spot)


2023-10-24 ニューサウスウェールズ大学(UNSW)

◆オーストラリアのUNSW Sydneyの科学者たちは、新しい材料を開発し、人工組織を培養し、医療手術に使用する方法を変える可能性があると報告しています。この新しい材料は、ハイドロゲルと呼ばれる物質の一種で、生物体に見られる「ぷにぷに」した物質であり、生物医学研究で非常に有用です。


トリプトファンジッパーペプチドを階層的に集合させ、ストレスを緩和する生理活性ハイドロゲルを開発 Hierarchical assembly of tryptophan zipper peptides into stress-relaxing bioactive hydrogels

Ashley K. Nguyen,Thomas G. Molley,Egi Kardia,Sylvia Ganda,Sudip Chakraborty,Sharon L. Wong,Juanfang Ruan,Bethany E. Yee,Jitendra Mata,Abhishek Vijayan,Naresh Kumar,Richard D. Tilley,Shafagh A. Waters &Kristopher A. Kilian
Nature Communications  Published:23 October 2023

ヒト組織を模倣し、細菌と戦う:新しいバイオマテリアルがスイートスポットを突く(Mimics human tissue, fights bacteria: new biomaterial hits the sweet spot)


Soft materials in nature are formed through reversible supramolecular assembly of biological polymers into dynamic hierarchical networks. Rational design has led to self-assembling peptides with structural similarities to natural materials. However, recreating the dynamic functional properties inherent to natural systems remains challenging. Here we report the discovery of a short peptide based on the tryptophan zipper (trpzip) motif, that shows multiscale hierarchical ordering that leads to emergent dynamic properties. Trpzip hydrogels are antimicrobial and self-healing, with tunable viscoelasticity and unique yield-stress properties that allow immediate harvest of embedded cells through a flick of the wrist. This characteristic makes Trpzip hydrogels amenable to syringe extrusion, which we demonstrate with examples of cell delivery and bioprinting. Trpzip hydrogels display innate bioactivity, allowing propagation of human intestinal organoids with apical-basal polarization. Considering these extensive attributes, we anticipate the Trpzip motif will prove a versatile building block for supramolecular assembly of soft materials for biotechnology and medicine.
