プレッシャーに負けない:画期的な新素材でウェアラブルセンサーの問題を解決(Under Pressure: Breakthrough New Material Solves Problem of Wearable Sensors)


UMass Amherstのチームが、押し下げられた状態でも動作するオールファブリックの圧力センサーを開発 Team from UMass Amherst develops all-fabric pressure sensor that works even when the pressure is pushing down on you

2023-01-30 マサチューセッツ大学アマースト校

プレッシャーに負けない:画期的な新素材でウェアラブルセンサーの問題を解決(Under Pressure: Breakthrough New Material Solves Problem of Wearable Sensors)
By placing the sensor on different parts of the body, a host of important physiological data can be extracted. Credit: Homayounfar et al., 10.1002/admt.202201313

◆この問題を解決するために、研究チームは、抱きしめたり、座ったり、寄りかかったり、日常的な相互作用で押しつぶされても動作し続けるセンサーを開発した。その秘密は、PEDOT-Cl(p-doped poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene-chloride) )などの圧電性材料を衣服の生地に蒸着プリントすることにある、と『Advanced Materials Technologies』誌に発表された。この方法では、心拍のようなわずかな体の動きでも、センサー全体にイオンが再分配される。つまり、体の機械的な動きを電気信号に変換し、それをモニターすることができる。


自然環境下での健康・運動・握力モニタリングに適した耐湿性・広帯域圧力センサーの開発 Humidity-Resistant, Broad-Range Pressure Sensors for Garment-Integrated Health, Motion, and Grip Strength Monitoring in Natural Environments

S. Zohreh Homayounfar, Ali Kiaghadi, Deepak Ganesan, Trisha L. Andrew
Advanced Materials Technologies  Published: 26 January 2023


Wearable electromechanical sensors are essential to improve health monitoring and off-site point-of-care applications. However, their practicality is restricted by narrow ranges of detection, failure to simultaneously sense static and dynamic pressures, and low durability. Here, an all-fabric pressure sensor with high sensitivity in a broad range of pressures, from subtle heart pulses to body posture, exceeding that of previously-reported sensors is introduced. By taking advantage of chemical vapor deposition of p-doped poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) chloride (PEDOT-Cl) on two natural textiles (cotton gauze and cotton balls), multiscale tunable pressure sensitivity with low power demand for data read-out is obtained. To protect the sensor against humidity induced degradations, the sensor is encapsulated with a hydrophobic coating that leads to ultrastability of the sensor performance even after 1 week of exposure to 100% relative humidity and 20 laundry cycles. The sensor reveals excellent performance retention of >99% over 70 000 bending cycles under ambient conditions. The varied utility of this sensor for health monitoring is demonstrated by recording heartbeats, respiration, and joint movements. Furthermore, using this sensor, grip strength is successfully detected by 93.6% accuracy as compared to commercial dynamometer, speaking of its potential as the first fabric-based sensor allowing for personalized real-time grip strength analysis.
