CBDとCBGは骨折の治癒を促進し、痛みを管理する可能性がある(CBD and CBG may promote bone fracture healing, manage pain)


2023-10-24 ペンシルベニア州立大学(PennState)

◆今後の研究では、カンナビノイドの骨折治癒における役割を詳細に調査し、成人の骨折患者向けの臨床的な製剤の開発に焦点を当てる予定です。 CBDは既に小児のてんかん治療に承認されていますが、大人の骨折治療に適した製剤や用量を見つけることが次のステップとなるでしょう。


非向精神性カンナビノイドであるカンナビジオールとカンナビゲロールは、骨折の痛みを効果的に管理し、マウスの治癒を促進する鎮痛薬として作用する Cannabidiol and Cannabigerol, Nonpsychotropic Cannabinoids, as Analgesics that Effectively Manage Bone Fracture Pain and Promote Healing in Mice

Deepak Kumar Khajuria, Vengadeshprabhu Karuppagounder, Irena Nowak, Diana E. Sepulveda, Gregory S. Lewis, Christopher C. Norbury, Wesley M. Raup-Konsavage, Kent E. Vrana, Fadia Kamal, Reyad A. Elbarbary
Journal of Bone and Mineral Research  Published: 19 August 2023

CBDとCBGは骨折の治癒を促進し、痛みを管理する可能性がある(CBD and CBG may promote bone fracture healing, manage pain)


Bone fractures are among the most prevalent musculoskeletal injuries, and pain management is an essential part of fracture treatment. Fractures heal through an early inflammatory phase, followed by repair and remodeling. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are not recommended for fracture pain control as they potently inhibit the inflammatory phase and, thus, impair the healing. Opioids do not provide a better alternative for several reasons, including abuse potential. Accordingly, there is an unmet clinical need for analgesics that effectively ameliorate postfracture pain without impeding the healing. Here, we investigated the analgesic efficacy of two nonpsychotropic cannabinoids, cannabidiol (CBD) and cannabigerol (CBG), in a mouse model for tibial fracture. Mice with fractured tibiae exhibited increased sensitivity to mechanical, cold, and hot stimuli. Both CBD and CBG normalized pain sensitivity to all tested stimuli, and their analgesic effects were comparable to those of the NSAIDs. Interestingly, CBD and CBG promoted bone healing via multiple mechanisms during the early and late phases. During the early inflammatory phase, both cannabinoids increased the abundance of periosteal bone progenitors in the healing hematoma and promoted the osteogenic commitment of these progenitors. During the later phases of healing, CBD and CBG accelerated the fibrocartilaginous callus mineralization and enhanced the viability and proliferation of bone and bone-marrow cells. These effects culminated in higher bone volume fraction, higher bone mineral density, and improved mechanical quality of the newly formed bone. Together, our data suggest CBD and CBG as therapeutic agents that can replace NSAIDs in managing postfracture pain as both cannabinoids exert potent analgesic effects and, at the same time, promote bone healing. © 2023 The Authors. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of American Society for Bone and Mineral Research (ASBMR).
