パーキンソン病:歩行障害を改善する神経補装具(Parkinson’s disease: a neuroprosthetic to correct walking disorders)


2023-11-07 スイス連邦工科大学ローザンヌ校(EPFL)



Spinal stimulation for unfreezing gait in Parkinson’s disease

Aviv Mizrahi-Kliger & Karunesh Ganguly
Nature Medicine  Published:06 November 2023

パーキンソン病:歩行障害を改善する神経補装具(Parkinson’s disease: a neuroprosthetic to correct walking disorders)

Epidural electrical stimulation of the spinal cord alleviated freezing-of-gait and other postural impairments in a patient with Parkinson’s disease, potentially addressing an unmet need and offering an exciting new avenue for therapy.

Impairments in posture, balance and gait are hallmark symptoms of Parkinson’s disease (PD). They become increasingly prevalent as the disease progresses; they affect the majority of patients with late-stage PD and dominate the clinical presentation at 15 years after diagnosis1. These axial symptoms increase the risk of falling and reduce both mobility and independence, and eventually contribute to higher rates of hospital admissions and reduced survival. The effect of freezing-of-gait is especially debilitating as these episodes manifest in a sudden and unpredictable inability to start or continue walking forward — resulting in falls and injuries2. Treatment with levodopa (a dopamine replacement agent) addresses some of the motor symptoms of the disease early on, but its effect on gait and balance impairments is inconsistent3. Similarly, the effect of deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus on the axial symptoms of the disease is heterogeneous4, which motivates the search for new avenues of therapy.
