三葉虫が灰の中から蘇り、古代の地図を明らかにする(Trilobites rise from the ashes to reveal ancient map)


絶滅した海洋生物がタイの保護区に隠されていた Extinct marine creatures hidden in Thai sanctuary

2023-11-20 カリフォルニア大学リバーサイド校(UCR)

◆タイのある地域で発見された新種の三葉虫は、古代の地理の複雑なパズルの欠けていたピースかもしれません。これらの三葉虫の化石は、タイのKo Tarutao島の海岸で見つかり、王立プリンセスMaha Chakri Sirindhornに敬意を表して名付けられた新しい種も含まれています。


タイのカンブリア紀-オルドビス紀タルタオ層群の三葉虫とその地質環境 Trilobites of Thailand’s Cambrian–Ordovician Tarutao Group and their geological setting

Shelly J. Wernette, Nigel C. Hughes, Paul M. Myrow, Apsorn Sardsud
Papers in Palaeontology  Published: 04 October 2023

三葉虫が灰の中から蘇り、古代の地図を明らかにする(Trilobites rise from the ashes to reveal ancient map)


Tuff-bearing upper Cambrian to lowermost Ordovician strata on Ko Tarutao island, Satun province, southernmost peninsular Thailand, contain a rich trilobite fauna relevant to global biostratigraphy, peri-Gondwanan palaeogeography and shifting evolutionary mode. This area of Sibumasu, a lower Palaeozoic marginal Gondwanan terrane, is shown to have been closely associated with Australia, North China (Sino-Korea) and other continental fragments from the supercontinent’s northern equatorial sector, including South China at that time. Shared faunas also suggest a Kazakhstani and Laurentian association. Collections from eight sections yielded 10 newly discovered species and one new genus from ancient shoreface and inner shelf siliciclastic deposits. With the new taxa and revision of taxa known previously, we refine the age of the upper two formations of the Tarutao Group to the middle of Cambrian Stage 10, and lower–middle Tremadocian. Two biozones are erected for Sibumasu: the Eosaukia buravasi Zone, encompassing all Cambrian sections from Ko Tarutao, and the Asaphellus charoenmiti Zone, encompassing the Tremadocian fauna discussed herein. The new genus is Tarutaoia and new species are Tsinania sirindhornae, Pseudokoldinioidia maneekuti, Pagodia? uhleini, Asaphellus charoenmiti, Tarutaoia techawani, Jiia talowaois, Caznaia imsamuti, Anderssonella undulata, Lophosaukia nuchanongi and Corbinia perforata. Other taxa reported for the first time from Tarutao are Mansuyia? sp., Parakoldinioidia callosa Qian, Pseudagnostus sp., Homagnostus sp., Haniwa mucronata Shergold, Haniwa sosanensis? Kobayashi, Lichengia simplex Shergold, Pacootasaukia sp., Wuhuia? sp., Plethopeltella sp., Apatokephalus sp., Akoldinioidia sp. 1 and Koldinioidia sp.
