2023-12-14 パシフィック・ノースウェスト国立研究所(PNNL)
◆一部の細菌はバクテリアコミュニティで重要な位置を占めており、土壌湿度の変化に対する応答として、ファージが細菌集団のダイナミクスに影響を与えることが示されました。 Hi-C技術の活用により、バクテリオファージと宿主の正確な相互作用が観察され、土壌生態系におけるバクテリオファージの役割を理解するための進展がありました。
- https://www.pnnl.gov/publications/direct-detection-phage-host-interactions-soils
- https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-023-42967-z
Hi-Cメタゲノムシーケンスにより土壌ファージと宿主の相互作用が明らかに Hi-C metagenome sequencing reveals soil phage–host interactions
Ruonan Wu,Michelle R. Davison,William C. Nelson,Montana L. Smith,Mary S. Lipton,Janet K. Jansson,Ryan S. McClure,Jason E. McDermott & Kirsten S. Hofmockel
Nature Communications Published:23 November 2023
Bacteriophages are abundant in soils. However, the majority are uncharacterized, and their hosts are unknown. Here, we apply high-throughput chromosome conformation capture (Hi–C) to directly capture phage-host relationships. Some hosts have high centralities in bacterial community co-occurrence networks, suggesting phage infections have an important impact on the soil bacterial community interactions. We observe increased average viral copies per host (VPH) and decreased viral transcriptional activity following a two-week soil-drying incubation, indicating an increase in lysogenic infections. Soil drying also alters the observed phage host range. A significant negative correlation between VPH and host abundance prior to drying indicates more lytic infections result in more host death and inversely influence host abundance. This study provides empirical evidence of phage-mediated bacterial population dynamics in soil by directly capturing specific phage-host interactions.