勤勉な共同体は、バクテリアでさえも詐欺師を生み出す可能性がある(Industrious Communities Can Create Cheaters, Even in Bacteria)


2024-03-06 デューク大学(Duke)

Pseudomonas aeruginosaの研究で、デューク大学の科学者たちは、細菌が成長する際に一部の細菌が他の細菌に依存する「cheater(不正行為者)」になる現象を発見しました。これにより、コロニーの拡散能力が低下しました。この研究は、細菌と人間の行動に類似点があり、協力が成長の鍵であることを示唆しています。


緑膿菌の生息域拡大における協力関係の崩壊 The collapse of cooperation during range expansion of Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Nan Luo,Jia Lu,Emrah Şimşek,Anita Silver,Yi Yao,Xiaoyi Ouyang,Stuart A. West & Lingchong You
Nature Microbiology  Published:05 March 2024

勤勉な共同体は、バクテリアでさえも詐欺師を生み出す可能性がある(Industrious Communities Can Create Cheaters, Even in Bacteria)


Cooperation is commonly believed to be favourable in spatially structured environments, as these systems promote genetic relatedness that reduces the likelihood of exploitation by cheaters. Here we show that a Pseudomonas aeruginosa population that exhibited cooperative swarming was invaded by cheaters when subjected to experimental evolution through cycles of range expansion on solid media, but not in well-mixed liquid cultures. Our results suggest that cooperation is disfavoured in a more structured environment, which is the opposite of the prevailing view. We show that spatial expansion of the population prolongs cooperative swarming, which was vulnerable to cheating. Our findings reveal a mechanism by which spatial structures can suppress cooperation through modulation of the quantitative traits of cooperation, a process that leads to population divergence towards distinct colonization strategies.
