母音明瞭度検査がALS患者の進行モニタリングに役立つ可能性(Vowel intelligibility testing may help monitor progression for people with ALS)


2024-05-07 ペンシルベニア州立大学(PennState)

母音明瞭度検査がALS患者の進行モニタリングに役立つ可能性(Vowel intelligibility testing may help monitor progression for people with ALS)
Credit: Denys Serebrennikov/Getty Images. All Rights Reserved.

◆ペンシルベニア州立大学の研究者たちが、ALS(筋萎縮性側索硬化症)患者の発話障害であるディサースリアを評価するための臨床ツールとして、母音の知覚性テストの有用性を検討しました。この研究は、「Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research」に掲載され、母音の知覚性テストがディサースリアの重症度を感知する高い感度と特異性を持つことを示しました。


Comparison of Vowel and Sentence Intelligibility in People With Dysarthria Secondary to Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

Elizabeth Krajewski,Jimin Lee,Annie J. Olmstead and Zachary Simmons
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research  Published:8 Apr 2024


In this study, we examined the utility of vowel intelligibility testing for assessing the impact of dysarthria on speech characteristics in people with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). We tested the sensitivity and specificity of overall vowel identification, as well as that of vowel-specific identification, to dysarthria presence and severity. We additionally examined the relationship between vowel intelligibility and sentence intelligibility.

Twenty-three people with ALS and 22 age- and sex-matched control speakers produced sentences from the Speech Intelligibility Test (SIT), as well as 10 American English monophthongs in /h/–vowel–/d/ words for the vowel intelligibility test (VIT). Data for SIT and VIT scores came from 135 listeners. Diagnostic accuracy of VIT measures was evaluated using the area under the curve of receiver operator characteristics. We then examined differences between control speakers, speakers with mild dysarthria, and speakers with severe dysarthria in their relationship between SIT and VIT scores.

The results suggest that the overall vowel intelligibility score showed high sensitivity and specificity in differentiating between speakers with and without dysarthria, even those with milder symptoms. In addition, single-vowel identification scores showed at least acceptable group differentiation between the mild and severe dysarthria groups, though fewer single vowels were acceptable discriminators between the control group and the group with mild dysarthria. Identification accuracy of /ɪ/ in particular showed excellent discrimination across all groups. Examination of the relationship between SIT and VIT scores suggests a severity-specific relationship. Speakers with SIT scores above 70% generally had higher SIT than VIT scores, whereas speakers with SIT below 70% generally had higher VIT than SIT scores.

Vowel intelligibility testing can detect speech impairments in speakers with mild dysarthria and residual articulatory function in speakers with severe dysarthria. Vowel intelligibility testing may, therefore, be a useful addition to intelligibility testing for individuals with dysarthria.
