書き換え可能でリサイクル可能な「スマートスキン」がオンデマンドで生体信号をモニター(Rewritable, recyclable ‘smart skin’ monitors biological signals on demand)


2024-05-30 ペンシルベニア州立大学(PennState)

ペンシルベニア州立大学の研究者チームは、皮膚に直接貼り付けて健康情報を監視できる新しい接着性のセンサーデバイスを開発しました。この「スマートスキン」は、汗中のグルコース濃度や心拍数などを検出でき、様々な信号を効率的に再プログラムして検出することも可能です。研究は「Advanced Materials」誌に掲載され、コスト効率の良い製造方法を特徴としています。デバイスは、簡単に再プログラム可能で、最大4回までリサイクル可能です。将来的には、糖尿病管理や感染症監視などに応用される予定です。


オンデマンドでプログラム可能なリサイクル可能デバイスプラットフォームのためのPI/PDMS複合材料の直接レーザー加工と機能化 Direct Laser Processing and Functionalizing PI/PDMS Composites for an On-Demand, Programmable, Recyclable Device Platform

Jia Zhu, Yang Xiao, Xianzhe Zhang, Yao Tong, Jiaying Li, Ke Meng, Yingying Zhang, Jiuqiang Li, Chenghao Xing, Senhao Zhang, Benkun Bao, Hongbo Yang, Min Gao, Taisong Pan, Shangbin Liu …
Advanced Materials   Published: 02 April 2024

書き換え可能でリサイクル可能な「スマートスキン」がオンデマンドで生体信号をモニター(Rewritable, recyclable ‘smart skin’ monitors biological signals on demand)


Skin-interfaced high-sensitive biosensing systems to detect electrophysiological and biochemical signals have shown great potential in personal health monitoring and disease management. However, the integration of 3D porous nanostructures for improved sensitivity and various functional composites for signal transduction/processing/transmission often relies on different materials and complex fabrication processes, leading to weak interfaces prone to failure upon fatigue or mechanical deformations. The integrated system also needs additional adhesive to strongly conform to the human skin, which can also cause irritation, alignment issues, and motion artifacts. This work introduces a skin-attachable, reprogrammable, multifunctional, adhesive device patch fabricated by simple and low-cost laser scribing of an adhesive composite with polyimide powders and amine-based ethoxylated polyethylenimine dispersed in the silicone elastomer. The obtained laser-induced graphene in the adhesive composite can be further selectively functionalized with conductive nanomaterials or enzymes for enhanced electrical conductivity or selective sensing of various sweat biomarkers. The possible combination of the sensors for real-time biofluid analysis and electrophysiological signal monitoring with RF energy harvesting and communication promises a standalone stretchable adhesive device platform based on the same material system and fabrication process.
