思春期女性における思春期前のうつ病と不安症状の特定(Identifying depression, anxiety symptoms prior to puberty in adolescent females)


2024-06-26 ペンシルベニア州立大学(PennState)

ペンシルベニア州立大学の研究チームは、思春期前の少女のうつ病や不安の症状が初潮前にはほとんど変化しないことを発見しました。また、初潮後に時間が経つにつれてこれらの症状が軽減することも明らかにしました。この研究は、複数の要因に関する縦断的研究のデータを二次分析した結果であり、『Journal of Adolescent Health』に掲載されました。研究チームは、初潮前のうつ病や不安のスクリーニングを行い、初潮後の時間経過に基づいて症状を解釈することで、思春期に関連する精神病理をより理解し対応できると述べています。この発見は、思春期の少女の心理的発達を理解するための新しい指標として、初潮後の時間を用いることの重要性を示唆しています。


思春期・青年期における抑うつ・不安症状の重症度に対する初潮からの時間の影響 The Impact of Time Since Menarche for Depressive and Anxiety Symptom Severity in Adolescence and Young Adulthood

Zhenyu Z. Zhang M.S., M.A, Melissa K. Peckins Ph.D., Sarah J. Beal Ph.D., David J. Schnabel Jr. M.S.N., Chad E. Shenk Ph.D. , Lorah D. Dorn Ph.D.
Journal of Adolescent Health  Available online 12 May 2024


The study mapped depressive and anxiety symptom trajectories throughout adolescence and early adulthood, arrayed by time since menarche, a novel indicator of pubertal change and examined the effect of age of menarche and pubertal timing, more frequently used variables, on depressive and anxiety symptom severity trajectories.

Secondary analysis of a cross-sequential prospective longitudinal investigation included a community sample of 262 US, adolescent females. Participants were enrolled in age cohorts of 11, 13, 15, and 17 years. Four annual waves of data were collected. Self-report of age at menarche was categorized into pubertal timing categories. A novel measure “time since menarche” (chronological age at each wave minus age at menarche), was measured along with depressive and anxiety symptom severity. Two-piece growth curve modeling with landmark registration examined depressive and anxiety symptom severity trajectories according to time since menarche.

There was no change (p > .05) in depression and anxiety symptom severity before menarche; however, in the years leading away from menarche, depression and anxiety symptom severity decreased (p < .05). Age at menarche was not associated with change in depressive and anxiety symptom severity (p > .05) and there were no moderating effects of pubertal timing.

Depressive and anxiety symptoms decrease in the years leading away from menarche, suggesting puberty-related psychopathology may be transitory in some individuals. Time since menarche may be a clinically relevant indicator of psychological functioning in pubescent adolescent females. Future studies should examine this variable in larger samples, including more adolescents in the earlier stages of puberty.

