神経科学者が発見した、短時間の運動は認知機能を高める(Bursts of exercise boost cognitive function, UCSB neuroscientists find)


2024-10-15 カリフォルニア大学サンタバーバラ校(UCSB)



システマティックレビューとベイズメタ分析により、若年成人における急性身体活動の認知機能への効果が証明された A systematic review and Bayesian meta-analysis provide evidence for an effect of acute physical activity on cognition in young adults

Jordan Garrett,Carly Chak,Tom Bullock & Barry Giesbrecht
Communications Psychology  Published:28 August 2024

神経科学者が発見した、短時間の運動は認知機能を高める(Bursts of exercise boost cognitive function, UCSB neuroscientists find)


Physical exercise is a potential intervention for enhancing cognitive function across the lifespan. However, while studies employing long-term exercise interventions consistently show positive effects on cognition, studies using single acute bouts have produced mixed results. Here, a systematic review and meta-analysis was conducted to determine the impact of acute exercise on cognitive task performance in healthy young adults. A Bayesian hierarchical model quantified probabilistic evidence for a modulatory relationship by synthesizing 651 effect sizes from 113 studies from PsychInfo and Google Scholar representing 4,390 participants. Publication bias was mitigated using the trim-and-fill method. Acute exercise was found to have a small beneficial effect on cognition (g = 0.13 ± 0.04; BF = 3.67) and decrease reaction time. A meta-analysis restricted to executive function tasks revealed improvements in working memory and inhibition. Meta-analytic estimates were consistent across multiple priors and likelihood functions. Physical activities were categorized based on exercise type (e.g., cycling) because many activities have aerobic and anaerobic components, but this approach may limit comparison to studies that categorize activities based on metabolic demands. The current study provides an updated synthesis of the existing literature and insights into the robustness of acute exercise-induced effects on cognition. Funding provided by the United States Army Research Office.
