指先で血圧測定(Blood Pressure Readings at Your Fingertips)


2025-01-14 カリフォルニア大学サンディエゴ校(UCSD)

UCサンディエゴ発のBillion Labsが開発した「Vibro」アプリは、スマートフォンを用いて血圧を測定できる革新的な技術です。このアプリはスマホの振動モーターとカメラを活用し、指を画面に押し当てるだけで血圧を計測します。従来の血圧計に頼らない設計で、精度や使いやすさを向上させています。また、年配者向けに二手技術を導入するなど、幅広い利用者層を考慮しています。この技術は特許出願中で、今後他の医療デバイス企業へのAPI提供も計画されています。


振動力推定によるスマートフォンでのオシロメトリック血圧測定 Oscillometric blood pressure measurements on smartphones using vibrometric force estimation

Colin Barry,Yinan Xuan,Ava Fascetti,Alison Moore & Edward Jay Wang
Scientific Reports  Published:31 October 2024

指先で血圧測定(Blood Pressure Readings at Your Fingertips)


This paper proposes a smartphone-based method for measuring Blood Pressure (BP) using the oscillometric method. For oscillometry, it is necessary to measure (1) the pressure applied to the artery and (2) the local blood volume change. This is accomplished by performing an oscillometric measurement at the finger’s digital artery, whereby a user presses down on the phone’s camera with steadily increasing force. The camera is used to capture the blood volume change using photoplethysmography. We devised a novel method for measuring the force applied of the finger without the use of specialized smartphone hardware with a technique called Vibrometric Force Estimation (VFE). The fundamental concept of VFE relies on a phenomenon where a vibrating object is dampened when an external force is applied on to it. This phenomenon can be recreated using the phone’s own vibration motor and measured using the phone’s Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU). A cross device reliability study with three smartphones of different manufacturers, shape, and prices results in similar force estimation performance across all smartphone models. In an N = 24 proof of concept study of the BP measurement, the smartphone technique achieves a mean absolute error of 9.21 mmHg and 7.77 mmHg of systolic and diastolic BP, respectively, compared to an FDA approved BP cuff. The vision for this technology is not necessarily to replace existing BP monitoring solutions, but rather to introduce a downloadable smartphone software application that could serve as a low-barrier hypertension screening measurement fit for widespread adoption.
