2025-01-16 チャルマース工科大学
For the first time ever, a complex sense of touch for individuals living with spinal cord injuries is a step closer to reality. A new study published in Science, paves the way for complex touch sensation through brain stimulation, whilst using an extracorporeal bionic limb, that is attached to a chair or wheelchair.
- https://news.cision.com/chalmers/r/most-advanced-artificial-touch-for-brain-controlled-bionic-hand,c4091239
- https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.adq5978
ヒト体性感覚皮質のパターン化マイクロ刺激による触覚エッジと運動 Tactile edges and motion via patterned microstimulation of the human somatosensory cortex
Giacomo Valle, Ali H. Alamri, John E. Downey, Robin Lienkämper, […], and Sliman J. Bensmaia
Science Published:16 Jan 2025
Editor’s summary
Targeted brain stimulation is a promising approach for restoring the sense of touch in individuals with prosthetic hands. However, current protocols fail to mimic the natural richness of information about objects. Valle et al. developed and assessed in individuals with spinal cord injury some intracortical microstimulation approaches able to deliver enriched somatosensory percepts similar to those evoked in natural touch, including the sensations of edges, convex and concave curves, and motion (see the Perspective by Marasco). Appropriate spatiotemporal stimulation has the potential to evoke complex somatosensorial experiences. —Mattia Maroso
Intracortical microstimulation (ICMS) of somatosensory cortex evokes tactile sensations whose properties can be systematically manipulated by varying stimulation parameters. However, ICMS currently provides an imperfect sense of touch, limiting manual dexterity and tactile experience. Leveraging our understanding of how tactile features are encoded in the primary somatosensory cortex (S1), we sought to inform individuals with paralysis about local geometry and apparent motion of objects on their skin. We simultaneously delivered ICMS through electrodes with spatially patterned projected fields (PFs), evoking sensations of edges. We then created complex PFs that encode arbitrary tactile shapes and skin indentation patterns. By delivering spatiotemporally patterned ICMS, we evoked sensation of motion across the skin, the speed and direction of which could be controlled. Thus, we improved individuals’ tactile experience and use of brain-controlled bionic hands.