位置が免疫システムの病気との戦い方にどのような影響を及ぼすかが明らかに(New Research Reveals How Location Influences How Our Immune System Fights Disease)


2025-01-23 カリフォルニア大学サンディエゴ校 (UCSD)

UCサンディエゴの研究によると、小腸に存在する「組織常在型記憶CD8 T細胞」の働きが、その位置によって大きく異なることが明らかになりました。腸絨毛の先端では、即時に侵入病原体を攻撃する細胞が配置され、一方で腸の「クリプト」と呼ばれる部位には長期免疫を提供する細胞が存在します。この研究は、免疫細胞の局所的な役割や環境との相互作用を詳細に解明し、より効果的な免疫療法やワクチン設計の可能性を示しています。


組織常在記憶CD8 T細胞の多様性は時空間的に刷り込まれている Tissue-resident memory CD8 T cell diversity is spatiotemporally imprinted

Miguel Reina-Campos,Alexander Monell,Amir Ferry,Vida Luna,Kitty P. Cheung,Giovanni Galletti,Nicole E. Scharping,Kennidy K. Takehara,Sara Quon,Peter P. Challita,Brigid Boland,Yun Hsuan Lin,William H. Wong,Cynthia S. Indralingam,Hayley Neadeau,Suzie Alarcón,Gene W. Yeo,John T. Chang,Maximilian Heeg & Ananda W. Goldrath
Nature  Published:22 January 2025

位置が免疫システムの病気との戦い方にどのような影響を及ぼすかが明らかに(New Research Reveals How Location Influences How Our Immune System Fights Disease)


Tissue-resident memory CD8 T (TRM) cells provide protection from infection at barrier sites. In the small intestine, TRM cells are found in at least two distinct subpopulations: one with higher expression of effector molecules and another with greater memory potential1. However, the origins of this diversity remain unknown. Here we proposed that distinct tissue niches drive the phenotypic heterogeneity of TRM cells. To test this, we leveraged spatial transcriptomics of human samples, a mouse model of acute systemic viral infection and a newly established strategy for pooled optically encoded gene perturbations to profile the locations, interactions and transcriptomes of pathogen-specific TRM cell differentiation at single-transcript resolution. We developed computational approaches to capture cellular locations along three anatomical axes of the small intestine and to visualize the spatiotemporal distribution of cell types and gene expression. Our study reveals that the regionalized signalling of the intestinal architecture supports two distinct TRM cell states: differentiated TRM cells and progenitor-like TRM cells, located in the upper villus and lower villus, respectively. This diversity is mediated by distinct ligand–receptor activities, cytokine gradients and specialized cellular contacts. Blocking TGFβ or CXCL9 and CXCL10 sensing by antigen-specific CD8 T cells revealed a model consistent with anatomically delineated, early fate specification. Ultimately, our framework for the study of tissue immune networks reveals that T cell location and functional state are fundamentally intertwined.
