先住民の知識を神経科学に取り入れる(Bringing Indigenous ways of knowing to neuroscience)


2025-02-06 カナダ・ブリティッシュコロンビア大学(UBC)

ブリティッシュコロンビア大学(UBC)の研究者は、先住民の知識と西洋の神経科学を統合する「Two-Eyed Seeing(二つの目で見ること)」のアプローチを採用しています。これは、先住民と西洋の知識体系の強みを活かし、精神的・神経学的な健康問題に対応する取り組みです。UBCのジュディ・イレス博士とメティス民族のメリッサ・ペロー博士は、タールタン・ファースト・ネーションと協力し、早期発症型アルツハイマー病に関連する遺伝的変異を持つ家族の研究を行っています。この取り組みは、先住民の価値観を尊重しながら、新しい治療法の開発やコミュニティの自己決定権の促進を目指しています。


両目で見ること、そして神経科学のためのその他の先住民の視点 Two-Eyed Seeing and other Indigenous perspectives for neuroscience

J. Illes,M. L. Perreault,K. Bassil,J. G. Bjaalie,R. L. Taylor-Bragge,H. Chneiweiss,T. R. Gregory,B. N. Kumar,O. P. Matshabane,A. L. Svalastog & M. R. Velarde
Nature  Published:05 February 2025

先住民の知識を神経科学に取り入れる(Bringing Indigenous ways of knowing to neuroscience)


The integration of Indigenous perspectives and knowledge with biomedical approaches in neurosciences can significantly broaden the understanding of the human brain and mind. Drawing upon the writings of Elders in Canada, we refer to this integration as Two-Eyed Seeing or Etuaptmumk. We discuss how Two-Eyed Seeing and other dual perspectives can bring both breadth of knowledge and humility to the development of research and clinical practices for brain health. In this forward-looking discussion, we include both traditional academic and non-academic traditions and the work of Indigenous scholars on methodologies, life, health, culture, language and history. To describe challenges and consider solutions, we offer broad strategies for allyship, humility and universalism and situate them in four specific examples pertaining to disability, suicide, migration and the environment. We further advance the power of Two-Eyed Seeing in the context of new considerations for communication and public engagement. Two-Eyed Seeing, per se, is only one approach, but as neuroscience becomes ever more global, inclusive and ethically proactive, it must universally see the world of brain and mental health through the eyes of both reductionism and holism.


脳科学における先住民コミュニティとの関わり: 何をするかだけでなく、どのようにするか Engaging with Indigenous Communities in Brain Science: Not Only the What, But the Way

Louise Harding,Malcolm King,Sharon Jinkerson-Brass,Bryce Mercredi,Cornelia Wieman and Judy Illes
Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences  Published:27 April 2023


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