精神医学薬開発に関する最新ニュース (Psychiatric drug development and an award for our Incubator: News from Imperial)


2025-02-14 インペリアル・カレッジ・ロンドン

精神医学薬開発に関する最新ニュース (Psychiatric drug development and an award for our Incubator: News from Imperial)

また、同大学のホワイトシティ・インキュベーターは、2025年のWest London Business Awardsで2年連続の受賞。2016年以降、59のスタートアップを支援し、6億2200万ポンドの資金調達と600以上の雇用創出に貢献。卒業企業の79%は地元に拠点を構え、地域経済への影響も大きい。


精神医学における医薬品開発:50年の失敗と復活の方法 Drug development in psychiatry: 50 years of failure and how to resuscitate it

Prof David J Nutt, FRCPsych FMedSci
The Lancet Psychiatry  Published:February 11, 2025


The past 50 years have seen remarkable advances in the science of medicine. The pharmacological treatments of disorders such as hypertension, immune disorders, and cancer are fundamentally different from those used in the 1970s, and are now more often based on disorder-specific pathologies. The same cannot be said for psychiatric medicines: despite remarkable advances in neuroscience, very few innovative treatments have been developed in this field since the 1970s. For depression, schizophrenia, anxiety disorders, and ADHD, pharmacological classes of medicines discovered through serendipity in the 1950s are still used despite hundreds of billions of US dollars being spent on drug discovery attempts based on new neuroscience targets. This Personal View presents my opinion on the reasons innovation in psychiatric treatment has not progressed as well as in other disorders. As a researcher in the field, I offer suggestions as to how this situation must be rectified soon, as by most analyses mental illness is becoming a major health burden globally. Most of my evidence is referenced, but where I have unpublished knowledge gained from consulting with pharmaceutical companies, it is presented as an opinion.
