α-メチルトリプタミンの特異的検出を向上させる分子プローブ戦略を開発(Researchers Develop Molecular Probe Strategy to Enhance Specific Detection of α-Methyltryptamine)


2025-03-07 中国科学院(CAS)

中国科学院新疆理化技術研究所の研究チームは、精神活性物質α-メチルトリプタミン(AMT)の高感度かつ特異的な検出を可能にする新たな分子プローブを開発しました。AMTは他のアミン類と類似しており、特異的な蛍光検出が困難でしたが、研究チームはシッフ塩基ベースの蛍光プローブを設計し、π共役ブリッジの電子特性を調整することで反応性を向上させました。最適化されたプローブ(BrFS-TCF)は13 nMの蛍光検出限界、0.1秒未満の応答時間を達成し、人工唾液や固形残渣中の微量AMT検出にも成功しました。この技術は薬物識別や違法物質の検出に貢献します。


α-メチルトリプタミンに対するπ共役ブリッジブースト特異的検出の精密な電子吸引強度制御 Precise Electron-Withdrawing Strength Regulation of π-Conjugate Bridge-Boosted Specific Detection toward α-Methyltryptamine

Zhenzhen Cai,Zhiheng Huo,Gaosheng Li,Xu Cheng,Fang Xiao,Yuwan Du,Baiyi Zu,Xincun Dou

Analytical Chemistry  Published: January 23, 2025



α-メチルトリプタミンの特異的検出を向上させる分子プローブ戦略を開発(Researchers Develop Molecular Probe Strategy to Enhance Specific Detection of α-Methyltryptamine)

The specific fluorescent detection of α-methyltryptamine (AMT) presents a great challenge because similar amine groups and benzene rings exist in a variety of amines. Here, we show the precise modulation of the electron-withdrawing strength of the π-conjugate bridge in aldehyde-containing Schiff base-based fluorescent probes for ultratrace AMT discrimination. It is found that different electron-withdrawing groups -C6H4, -C6H2N2, and -C6H2Br2 as the π-conjugate bridge of the 2-dicyanomethylidene-3-cyano-4,5,5-trimethyl-2,5-dihydrofuran (TCF)-based probes can classify and identify organic amines with different amine nucleophilicities. Notably, the probe with -C6H2Br2 as the π-conjugate bridge, denoted as BrFS–TCF, which has the highest electrophilicity of the recognition site, shows a superior nM-level limit of detection (LOD) and an instant response time (<0.1 s) toward AMT. Especially, it shows an excellent selectivity facing the secondary amines, tertiary amines, aromatic amines, and even primary amines. The present strategy would provide a new pathway for chemical substances with similar structures and properties and especially for fighting against illegal drugs.
