TikTokにおけるADHDの誤った情報が若年成人の認識を形成している(ADHD misinformation on TikTok is shaping young adults’ perceptions)


2025-03-19 カナダ・ブリティッシュコロンビア大学(UBC)



諸刃のハッシュタグ: ADHD関連のTikTokコンテンツの評価とADHDの認知との関連性 A double-edged hashtag: Evaluation of #ADHD-related TikTok content and its associations with perceptions of ADHD

Vasileia Karasavva ,Caroline Miller,Nicole Groves,Andrés Montiel,Will Canu,Amori Mikami
PLOS One  Published: March 19, 2025

TikTokにおけるADHDの誤った情報が若年成人の認識を形成している(ADHD misinformation on TikTok is shaping young adults’ perceptions)


We aimed to assess the psychoeducational quality of TikTok content about attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) from the perspective of both mental health professionals and young adults across two pre-registered studies. In Study 1, two clinical psychologists with expertise in ADHD evaluated the claims (accuracy, nuance, overall quality as psychoeducation material) made in the top 100 #ADHD TikTok videos. Despite the videos’ immense popularity (collectively amassing nearly half a billion views), fewer than 50% of the claims about ADHD symptoms were judged to align with the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. In Study 2, 843 undergraduate students (no ADHD =  224, ADHD self-diagnosis =  421, ADHD formal diagnosis =  198) were asked about their typical frequency of viewing #ADHD content on TikTok and their perceptions of ADHD and were shown the top 5 and bottom 5 psychologist-rated videos from Study 1. A greater typical frequency of watching ADHD-related TikToks was linked to a greater willingness to recommend both the top and bottom-rated videos from Study 1, after controlling for demographics and ADHD diagnostic status. It was also linked to estimating a higher prevalence of ADHD in the general population and greater challenges faced by those with ADHD. Our findings highlight a discrepancy between mental health professionals and young adults regarding the psychoeducational value of #ADHD content on TikTok. Addressing this is crucial to improving access to treatment and enhancing support for those with ADHD.
