アラスカのヒグマの腸内細菌叢はどうなっているのか?(What Shapes Gut Microbiomes of Alaska’s Brown Bears? Location, Location, Location)


2022-04-08 ノースカロライナ州立大学(NCState)

・アラスカヒグマ(Ursus arctos)の最近の研究から、クマ集団の腸内細菌叢には、クマの生息場所によって大きな違いがあることが判明しました。この発見は、野生動物の生息地、食事、腸内細菌の多様性の関係に対する我々の理解を深めるものです。


雑食動物の腸内細菌叢に及ぼす内的および外的要因の影響 Intrinsic and extrinsic factors influence on an omnivore’s gut microbiome

Sarah M. Trujillo ,Erin A. McKenney,Grant V. Hilderbrand,Lindsey S. Mangipane,Matthew C. Rogers,Kyle Joly,David D. Gustine,Joy A. Erlenbach,Buck A. Mangipane,Diana J. R. Lafferty
PLOS ONE Published: April 8,2022 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0266698

図4. アラスカヒグマの腸内細菌β多様性。
A) Katmai、Lake Clark、GatesのヒグマにおけるGMB群集組成のBray-Curtis Non-Metric Multidimensional Scalingプロット。B)重み付きおよびC)重みなしUniFrac距離の主座標分析プロット。


Gut microbiomes (GMBs), complex communities of microorganisms inhabiting the gastrointestinal tracts of their hosts, perform countless micro-ecosystem services such as facilitating energy uptake and modulating immune responses. While scientists increasingly recognize the role GMBs play in host health, the role of GMBs in wildlife ecology and conservation has yet to be realized fully. Here, we use brown bears (Ursus arctos) as an ecological model to (1) characterize GMB community composition associated with location, season, and reproductive condition of a large omnivore; (2) investigate how both extrinsic and intrinsic factors influence GMB community membership and structure; and (3) quantify differences in GMB communities among different locations, seasons, sex, and reproductive conditions. To achieve these aims, we subsampled brown bear fecal samples collected during United States National Park Service research activities at three National Parks and Preserves (Katmai, Lake Clark, and Gates of the Arctic) and extracted microbial DNA for 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing and microbial taxonomic classification. We analyzed GMB communities using alpha and beta diversity indices, subsequently using linear mixed models to examine relationships between alpha diversity and extrinsic and intrinsic factors. Katmai brown bears hosted the greatest alpha diversity, whereas Gates brown bears hosted the least alpha diversity. Our results indicate that location and diet drive GMB variation, with bears hosting less phylogenetic diversity as park distance inland increases. Monitoring brown bear GMBs could enable managers to quickly detect and assess the impact of environmental perturbations on brown bear health. By integrating macro and micro-ecological perspectives we aim to inform local and landscape-level management decisions to promote long-term brown bear conservation and management.

