高齢者向けの非侵襲的な筋治療への道を切り開く(Clearing a path for non-invasive muscle therapy for the elderly)


2023-03-22 ハーバード大学

高齢者向けの非侵襲的な筋治療への道を切り開く(Clearing a path for non-invasive muscle therapy for the elderly)In the future, massage guns like this could give way to wearable personalized robotic mechanotherapy devices to heal muscle injuries across all ages. As demonstrated in this study, these approaches will have to take into account differences in inflammation between younger and older muscles, and the likely need for co-delivering anti-inflammatory therapies in the elderly to achieve healing effects. (Photo Credit: Shutterstock/Andrey Popov)



抗炎症療法により、ロボットによる老化した筋肉の再生が可能になる Anti-inflammatory therapy enables robot-actuated regeneration of aged muscle

S. L. McNamara,B. R. Seo,B. R. Freedman,E. B. Roloson,J. T. Alvarez,C. T. O’Neill,H. H. Vandenburgh,C. J. Walsh,D. J. Mooney
Science Robotics  Published:22 Mar 2023


Robot-actuated mechanical loading (ML)–based therapies (“mechanotherapies”) can promote regeneration after severe skeletal muscle injury, but the effectiveness of such approaches during aging is unknown and may be influenced by age-associated decline in the healing capacity of skeletal muscle. To address this knowledge gap, this work used a noninvasive, load-controlled robotic device to impose highly defined tissue stresses to evaluate the age dependence of ML on muscle repair after injury. The response of injured muscle to robot-actuated cyclic compressive loading was found to be age sensitive, revealing not only a lack of reparative benefit of ML on injured aged muscles but also exacerbation of tissue inflammation. ML alone also disrupted the normal regenerative processes of aged muscle stem cells. However, these negative effects could be reversed by introducing anti-inflammatory therapy alongside ML application, leading to enhanced skeletal muscle regeneration even in aged mice.
